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Jongin's POV

After the encounter I had with the mysterious "D.O" last night. I ended up having to use money I didn't want to take a cab home. When I arrived home, it luckily wasn't too late so my mom wasn't suspicious.

I went up to my room and took off all the cold fabric from my body and headed for the shower. I let the warm water run over my body as I let my thoughts take over.

What was that neighborhood I was in? Why did the mysterious guy not let me see him? If he went back, what was the thing he would get caught up in?

Why could he swear to himself that he's heard that voice before?


Kyungsoo's POV

"What's our next move PD?" Xiumin asked as he was scamming through files.

Xiumin was my master of planning. He laid out the perfect route for us to take when we made a hit on someone. He's one of the members who I helped create this gang with. An "OG" you might say.

Xiumin was short. He had short black hair that he usually styled upwards. He had tattoos that ran up both of his arms. He had an eyebrow piercing and two side by side lip piercings. He usually wore eyeliner and dressed in black. He was very fucking attractive to say the least. But he had a boyfriend of 3 years who we called Chen.

Speak of the devil. "Don't stress too much love" Chen said as he wrapped his arms around his lovers shoulders.

Chen was 1/2 of my Tech Guys. They were the ones to shut off cameras, crack codes, hack computers, etc.

Chen was sort of tall. He had red and black hair, the red part swayed over to the right usually and the under part being black.

He had tattoos that ran up the course of both of his arms and his neck. He had the same ear piercings as I along with a lip piercing. His style was quite the same as mine.

This was my best friend after all, along with Xiumin. He was another member who I formed this gang with from the beginning.

You could always tell that Chen and Xiumin had feelings for each other. It was a matter of who confessed first. I ended up snapping and saying something along the lines of "STOP ACTING LIKE YOU WOULDN'T ENJOY THE OTHERS DICK UP YOUR ASS AND JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY" and that jumpstarted the whole thing.

"I'm still thinking really. This next one I want to leave a big impact. I'll let you know when I figure out a little more." I replied

"Then why the fuck are we here?" My what I liked to call "instigator" said.

Kris. He was the one who would let our enemy know that they fucked up somehow and that we were coming. This was in rare cases, mostly when the enemy was a familiar gang. Otherwise we would hit at complete random. Kris was brought in about a year ago when he discovered what I did in school. He had an intimidating image to him so brought him into this mix. Not to mention he knew about us and I just couldn't let that roam free.

Kris had brown hair that he usually styled up also. He had a tattoo on his left forearm, a hand tattoo across his fingers and a bit of a neck tattoo. The only piercing he had was his eyebrow.

He was also another member who was very attractive to me but I couldn't see myself in a relationship with him. Not to mention...

"Hey watch it baby" His boyfriend kissed his forehead. "I don't want to see PD pissed off right now"

"Thanks Suho" I said sarcastically.

Suho was one of our most calm members. He was one of the few members I had who had no tattoos or piercings. He was average height and had purplish hair that he just left naturally styled.

Kris brought him in a few months ago after he found him lost and crying in a dark ally near our territory. Since then he has became a great stealth member and a nice addition to keeping Kris's temper in check.

A stealth member would be the ones who sneak around, set necessary alarms, kidnaps (A/N: not actual kids I'm not going that deep), stealth KO's, and in rare cases "quiet deaths".

They had quite a busy job for being the "shy members". Currently we actually could use a few additions considering we only have Suho and Sehun. Typically I would like to have 4. I guess I'll see who I come across that seems they could fit the job.

Sehun was our youngest member. He was found by Luhan in school. He may have just brought him in because he wanted to be around him more but he hasn't been found to be untrustworthy yet so I have no problem with it.

He was one of the only members to have unique eyes. They were bright green. He had bleach blonde hair that stuck out from the SnapBack he usually wore and most of time he would wear a leather jacket. But yet, he was still one of our most shy members.

Luhan was our locksmith usually. Duh, the one to crack any locks we needed unlocked. Considering we didn't need that often, Luhan was a floater. He did anything we needed him to do in any of the sections. I brought Luhan in recently as he was wondering around the neighborhood many times until I eventually just made him join or I kill him. He turned out to be a good addition.

All of us knew that Luhan had a crush on Sehun and that he probably liked him back but either Sehun was clueless as fuck or they both are same scared bitches as Xiuchen used to be.

"Lay I'm going to need you to load up on some big guns and a few sticky bombs. We don't need them now but asap would be the best" I said towards the dirty blonde.

"Got it" he said simply as he lit a cigarette.

Lay was my guy in charge of weapons. Lay was the last OG member of the original formed gang.

He had dirty blonde hair that he usually styled up a bit and to the left. He had upper arm tattoos on both arms and a neck tattoo. He didn't have any piercings but he was one of the members to wear eyeliner usually along with Xiumin. Another very attractive member of mine.

And he was single. 

Chan was 2/2 of my Tech Guys. Chan was the first member to join after the original group. Chen found him hacking into the schools computer trying to get the WiFi password or some shit and found him useful.

He had purple hair that was slightly curly and the typical arms up to neck tattoos. The only piercing he had was a nose piercing. However, he was the only member to have gauges. They were medium sized.

He also was single.

Tao was my go to fighter when things got real physical. He learned martial arts as a young kid until now so he was advanced in that area.

Tao was a mutual decision by all of us after we saw him fight a day after school. He joined with no hesitation.

He had blonde hair that he styled naturally, a sleeve tattoo on his right arm that just grased his neck, and a upper arm tat on his left arm. He had a few ear piercings and an eyebrow piercing.

And then there was me. The leader. I kept everything in order and decided when and partly how we should attack.

Together we made EXO S.M.

And with the addition of two more stealth members.

My gang will be complete.


A/N: Sorry this chapter barely had any dialogue but I really wanted to describe the members and their positions. The next chapter will be back to the main plot. Hope you enjoy cx

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