The Truth Untold Pt. 2//34

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A/N: I LOVE YA'LL! Here's a big chapter, I expect comments galore👀
Warning: A little bit of straightness ahead.

"What do you think I should do? I don't know if I should go to the extent of getting the gang involved" Ara asked as she played with her wristbands.

"Ara...he CHEATED on you, that's not something to take lightly" Holly exclaimed. Ara was being quiet and content, something she rarely ever witnessed.

"What!?" Her brother Jay slammed open her door.

"You were eavesdropping?!" She jumped up.

"No need to get your gang of friends involved, I got this" He replied, his face filled with seriousness.

"No no no you don't, I don't need your help" She grabbed his arm.

"I didn't ask" He ripped his arm away. Just as their was a knock on the door. Ara raced past Jay beating him to the door. Holly did her best to hold him back...for now at least.

Ara opened the door to reveal a puffy faced Jinyoung who looked like he was also out of breath.

"Jinyoung...did you run here?"

"I'm sorry! Mark pressured me into everything! I didn't know what I was doing, I know I love you and only you" He huffed out.

Jay gritted his teeth from behind, it being awhile since he's been involved in a fight, he was ready. Especially for his own family. He tried to rip his arms away from Holly, but failed as he was shocked at her surprising strength.

"Not yet Jay oppa!" Jay was like a brother to her also, she's known him so long. He sighed and reluctantly stayed put and watched.

"Jinyoung..I don't know. You still cheated, that doesn't change anything"

"You're right, you we're worth the try though" He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.

"I think we should take a break, show me that you're not going to just run back to him. We can be friends and see where it goes from there" Ara tried to avoid making eye contact.

"Really? I'll prove it to you! Thank you!" Jinyoung smiled, he held back the urge to hug her.

"You know my number, now go away" She closed the door.

"I'm not satisfied" Jay sighed.

"Frankly, me either" Holly rolled her eyes.

"It's not y'alls relationship" She lightly patted Holly's cheek and continued walking back to her room.

"I....ok" She shrugged.

"It's better not to fight with her. We all know she'll win" She said towards Jay before turning around and walking out the door, her own relationship now in mind.


"I missed you baby" Yixing kissed Holly's forehead after wrapping his arms around her.

"I know it's been so rough" She said into his chest.

"It can only be so easy in a relationship when both are in opposite gangs"

"How could we possibly make this work? My gang is now after yours, BaRon isn't going to stop until he gets his revenge" She pulled back to look at him.

"Listen.." He lightly grabbed her face "You're dating Yixing ok? Not Lay. Lets leave that out of this. If it comes down to it though, Lay will 'accidentally' protect you, he'll never let anything happen to you. As long as you never cross him. And neither will I"

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