An Ending To A Beginning//19

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A/N: It's currently midnight I can't think of a good title ok.

Jacob's POV

I opened my eyes to be met with a bright white light. What? What happened? I thought to myself.

"'re awake" my eyes followed the voice, and were met by my boyfriends exhausted looking gaze.

"Awake? How long was I asleep? Why am I in the hospital?" I questioned

"How much do you remember?"

"Umm I remember going after EXO S.M, and going inside to try and attack by myself. That's it"

"That's ok, it's all ok now" he ran his hand through my hair.

My hand went up to my neck as I felt a sharp pain in that area. I felt a thick bandage.

"What's wrong with my neck?"

"They tried to kill you alright" BaRon said through gritted teeth, suddenly angry.

"Oh.." I let my hand fall.

"It's ok...we're going to get whoever did this, and I will make sure they actually die" BaRon said before kissing my lips softly.

"Do you remember what your attacker looks like at all?" Cory asked from the other side of my bed.

"I told you, I don't remember anything that happened inside that bank"

"You just remembered that it was a bank" Cory smirked.

I thought hard, my eyes scrunched when another wave of pain shot through my neck.

"Hey..don't over think ok? Just rest" BaRon ran his hand through my hair again.

"I think I remember one of them..The one I initially tried to attack"

BaRon nodded, not forcing anything else out of his sensitive boyfriend. Whoever almost took away his boyfriends life, was going to wish they never joined that gang.


Jongin's POV

I took a deep breath as I approached the familiar house. I thought to myself once more if what I was about to do was the right thing. Ultimately, I knew it would be better for him rather then me and his happiness meant everything to me.

I let my hand slowly knock on the door as I waited for a response. Almost immediately the door swung open and I was met with Taemin's swollen eyes and a warm embrace.

"Oh my god baby! I was so worried. Do you know how hard it was to not call the cops? But I knew it was best to trust you. I'm so glad you're ok. What happened? Where were you? Should we call the cops now?" Taemin rambled out into my shoulder.

"I'm glad to see you again. Thank you for trusting me. I got into a little fight. I'm here now, there's no need to call the cops. Lets go inside, I wanna talk to you" I rubbed his back before falling back from his embrace.

Taemin nodded hesitantly, then retreated to his room and I followed. We sat on his bed and I watched as my hand rubbed the familiar soft fabric where we previously had shared so many memories. The corner of my mouth went up in a small smile.

"What's wrong Jongin? I can't take all of this" He rubbed my shoulder.

"I know...and that's exactly why I don't think we should continue this.." I said, my eyes not meeting his.

"What..what do you mean by 'this'?" His hand slowly fell from my shoulder.

"Lately I've been involved in some stuff that has put you in danger or way too close to it, I don't want to hurt you, let alone anyone else. I don't want you to think I don't love you because I do..." I laid my hand over his "I love you and I value the relationship we shared but I least for now, we should go back to being best friends"

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