The Truth Untold Pt. 1//33

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A/N: I should've mentioned this story was going to include a lot of angst. I mean it is a gang au, what did you expect?

"Without me?"

Jackson noticed the look on Jongin's face change when his eyes diverted behind him. He froze when he realized who the voice belonged too.

" know you're not happy without me"

"Who is that? He looks familiar" Namjoon walked over and placed a supporting hand on Jackson's shoulder, who still hadn't turned around to meet his eyes.

"'s um.."

"I'm his boyfriend" Mark smirked.

Namjoon froze in that moment, he felt his heart drop. He thought Jackson always talked about how bad his ex had hurt him so there's no way he could still be with him. But what if they just were fighting and they never actually broke up? But where had the boyfriend been these past few weeks then? He was confused. His hand dropped from his shoulder.

"Namjoon Wait!"

Namjoon began to back away, shaking his head.

" just need some time" Namjoon started to walk away. Jackson was scared, he didn't want to loose Namjoon but he really didn't want to be alone with Mark.

"I'll go with him! Jongin stay with him and don't let that fucker touch him" Kyungsoo looked towards Mark with a scowl before kissing Jongin and going after Namjoon.

"I want you back Jackson! My life is falling a part without you! The truth is that I really did love you..I don't know why I did the things I did. I guess I just thought you'd never leave my side, but you did and I see that now. I want another chance, you don't need anyone else but me" Mark began to walk towards a confused Jackson who was now facing him.

"I've been advised not to let you touch him" Jongin held out his arm in front of Marks chest.

"What if he gives permission?"

"Yeah right" Jongin looked towards Jackson for confirmation.

Jackson thought to himself..he already lost one of the only things that was making happy, what's to loose? He looked up to meet his eyes, his heart swelling at the effect they have on him.

"He can touch me..." Jackson said barely audible.

"What!?" Jongin exclaimed.

"Just..let him go"

Jongin reluctantly let his arm fall, watching as Mark ran forward and grabbed Jackson's face before kissing him passionately. Jackson couldn't hold back, he kissed him back, not thinking at the moment.

"I knew it Jacks. I knew you were meant for me" Mark smiled when he pulled away.

Jackson just smiled, continuing not to think.

"Fuck...Jackson" Jongin knew that Jackson was just have a relapse. He knew he didn't really want to go back to that relationship but he didn't know how to break him out of it.

"Take me back?" Mark asked.

Jongin panicked, he knew he couldn't let him say yes.



"What!?" Jackson snapped away from Mark's gaze.

"Think this through first.." Jongin tried to be smart about what he said.

"Yeah...let me think this through" Jackson stroked Mark's face with his thumb before kissing him once more.

Mark nodded before giving a dirty look to Jongin and walking off.

"Jackson you idiot!" He looked around to see if Kyungsoo or Namjoon saw anything but luckily they were nowhere in sight.

"What? What just happened?" Jackson shook his head.

"We'll talk about this later. Right now, we need to go find Namjoon"

"Joonie....Shit!" He started running off and Jongin tried his best to keep up.

"Kyungsoo his with him and he didn't see anything! I won't say anything if you fix this!"

"I don't know what I want Jongin!" Jackson stopped abruptly, he looked like he was going into a panic attack.

"Ok ok calm down, it's ok. I'm here for you" Jongin wrapped him in his arms.

"Look there they are..." Jongin noticed the two figures a little ahead on the sidewalk. Jongin placed his arm around his shoulders and began walking forward with him.

"Namjoon...." Jackson said in a small voice.

"I'm sorry I left you like that, are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Namjoon embraced Jackson. Jackson just shook his head into his chest.

"I'm sorry.." Namjoon said once more before backing away and meeting Jackson's eyes.

Jackson didn't know if he should bring up what happened, he technically wasn't with Mark but he also technically wasn't single. He knew he couldn't lie to Namjoon, so he decided to just keep quiet unless it was brought up.

"I'm fine..." Jackson smiled.

"Ok I think that's enough for today" Jongin shook his head and dragged Jackson away from Namjoon.

"I need to talk to Jackson separately for awhile" Jongin fakely smiled.

"Ok...I'll see you soon ok" Namjoon laid a quick kiss on Jackson's lips.

Jongin drove his boyfriend back home before driving him and Jackson to his own house.

"Hey Jongin, Who's this?" His mom greeted them when they arrived.

"This is Jackson. Another friend of mine"

"Nice to meet you" Jackson bowed, pushing back his panicked gaze.

Jongin lead the boy up to his room before lightly shutting the door. He motioned for him to sit wherever.

"Ok, the fuck is going on Jackson. You don't need to keep your emotions bottled up around me or EXO S.M. We're here for you, but it's just me right now" He sat next to him.

"It's like, when I saw Mark, I couldn't hold it back anymore. I love him..and I can't deny that anymore. I know he treated me so bad but a part of me really wants to give him another chance" He paused

"And Namjoon..?" Jongin asked.

"I mean we just got together, he makes me happy, a happiness I've only felt with Mark at one point. I can't say I love him yet though"

"You can't just leave Namjoon...but at the same time you can't be with him if you love someone else.." Jongin thought back to his situation with Taemin. He knew almost exactly how he felt, except he wasn't with Taemin for as long.

"Maybe you just need to take some time Jackson. But you need to tell Namjoon"

"I know.."


A/N: So I'm splitting this chapter into 2 parts so that the next update will be faster. I PROMISE KAISOO FLUFF NEXT CHAPTER, FORGIVE ME.

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