The New Girls//10

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Jongin's POV

I woke up some hours later and noticed the bright gleam of moonlight peak through the windows. I yawned and looked up once I noticed I was laying on a chest, embraced in strong arms. I saw Taemin's face sleeping peacefully and I couldn't help but smile.

I tried to move and noticed that the lower part of my body was very sore and I groaned. I sat up a little once I loosened up Tae's grip and grabbed my phone to check the time. Shit, 9:30.

I noticed the many text that my mom sent and hurried a text back telling her that I fell asleep after school and that I'd be home soon.

I really didn't wanna wake up Tae but I for sure didn't wanna leave without a word, that would cause unneeded problems.

I looked at him once more and wondered what was this meant for us, I'm pretty sure I knew now that I had feelings for Taemin but I knew something was boiling inside of me for Kyungsoo, even though it just started, I just didn't want to hurt anybody, or myself. As of right now I decided to just go with the flow and see what happens.

"Hey, wake up" I said softly and kissed Tae's forehead.

His eyes opened slowly and he blinked a few times while looking at my face before he smiled.

"Jongieee, is this for real? Are you really shirtl....naked in my bed? Am I dreaming? Am I-" I cut him off by kissing his lips softly.

The kiss was super passionate and had a lot of emotions embedded into it, but it wasn't sexual.

"It's real" I pulled away and smirked.

Taemin wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me in for a second passionate kiss. I pulled away after some minutes passed.

"Hey, I hate to have to leave right after our previous activities" I giggled "but I have to get home, I haven't been home for days and my mom wants me to check in"

"That's fine but just one question, what exactly does this mean for us Jong?" He asked with a serious face

"Do you maybe...wanna try...bringing our friendship to the next level?" I asked super shyly. I didn't know if this was the best thing to do but I did know it's what I wanted.

"Yeah.." he nodded and smiled "I'd like that"

He locked his lips with mine once more before I got dressed and headed the short distance back to my house.


Once I got back home, I talked to my mom for a bit and convinced her that I've just been at Tae's for a few days catching up on our friendship and she said it was okay and that it was good that we were getting close again. If only she knew.

"Hey I know it's late but can I invite Sehun over for a little bit? I need to talk to him about something" I asked

"Why can't you talk to him tomorrow at school?"

"It's something kind of important, it'll only be for a little bit"

"Ok but keep it down, I'm going to bed and you will get up for school tomorrow" she said before going up to her room

I texted Sehun and asked him to come over for a bit and he said he'd be on his way.

I went to sit on the couch in the living room and turned on the tv flipping through the channels. I settled on weekly idol and opened my bag of chips that I got to snack on.

As I watching I thought to myself about how I wish I could appear on the show one day. Being famous was always a little dream of mine but I never really did anything to act on it. I did take an advanced liking in dancing though, I liked to do cover dances or make up my own choreographies.

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