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A/N: Ohhh that evil number 13😈

Jongin's POV

I laid in my bed in a burrito of blankets when I woke up the next morning. Most of the time when I woke up I would lay in bed for hours before I actually got out of bed.

Taemin ended up leaving last night about a half hour before my parents got home and I went to sleep thinking about the events that took place. Taemin had told me that he loved me, and I had said it back.

I was proud of the way that I told him I loved him also, I surprisingly didn't even think of that in advance, it just happened on spot. Taemin was a super good boyfriend, he really treated me way past the extent that I deserved. I was proud that I could repay him a little by telling him I love him. I felt bad that I had to hide so much from him though.

I rolled over in bed to check my phone and was surprised to see a few text messages. A few good morning text from Taemin, one from Kyungsoo saying that they would meet tonight, and one from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: Hey! It's Mark:) Let's hang out today, yeah?

Mark? I searched my mind trying to think who Mark was..I had just woke up after all. Oh yeah! The blonde hyung from school.

"Yeah sure, do you want me to meet you somewhere?" I replied

Blondie: No I'll come pick you up, be ready in an hour;)

Um ok? I thought to myself. I laughed it off and texted him my address before throwing off my blankets and getting up to shower.

"This wasn't weird or sketchy right? Just someone wanting to hang out" I thought to myself as I showered.

Once I got out I went to pick out my outfit for the day. I decided on my favorite white beanie, a grey t-shirt with a black jacket to go over, and some grey skinny jeans. I looked at my self in the mirror and smiled slightly, I looked pretty good. I snapped a pic and sent it to Taemin.

Minnie❤️:Babe, Why dressed so cutely? Are you coming to see me?;)

Jongin:Haha, I'm supposed to meet a friend today, if it's not to late after I will come see you😘
I replied, telling him the truth

Minnie❤️:Okay, Stay safe always. I love you❤️

I texted him back, letting him know that I loved him too before heading downstairs to get something to eat and to let my mom know what I was doing.

"Hey mom, I'm hanging out with a new friend today, then probably staying at Tae's later, is that ok?" I asked as I grabbed something quick from the cabinet

"I guess that's fine, I'm glad your getting more social after all. Who's this new friend?" She asked

"His names Mark, he's in the same grade. He should be picking me up soon"

"Oh okay, if he doesn't drive safely, make sure you get out asap ok? Text me when you get to Taemin's safely and if you have any other problems" She smiled

You may notice that I often don't talk to my dad that much, it's not because we have to huge of a problem with each other, I was just simply closer to my mom. I really hoped I didn't run into problems, especially with her when I decided to come out.

I nodded just as I heard a car pull into the driveway, with a text vibrating my phone shortly after.

"He's here now, bye" I said to my mom before heading out the front door. I went to get into the passenger side of yet another nice car. What was up with these teenage kids that had super nice cars. It was kind of suspicious.

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