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Deep breath...



"Dude we got this. There's nothing to worry about" Dongwoo punched his shoulder.

"I just want to impress coach I guess" Jongin said, placing his hat on his head, completing his uniform.

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"You have an advantage as it is, you're like friends" Dongwoo replied

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"You have an advantage as it is, you're like friends" Dongwoo replied.

"I just know him through other friends, that's different"

"Uh huh" Dongwoo giggled.

The day of their first game has finally arrived. Jongin wasn't going to lie, he was excited to put aside the violent side of his life and get back on the field.

Things with Kyungsoo we're going great, he shows a completely different side to him and him only. They haven't shared I love you's yet but he knew the time would come when it was right.

Kyungsoo was going to be attending the game today of course in support of his boyfriend, along with a few other members. This also was racking Jongin's nerves.

"I'm so excited! Is it time to go out yet?" Jackson's face lit up as he looked towards coach Kim, and out the door of the locker room.

"I think it's about time we line up" Coach Kim winked towards the team.

"Trust me Yesung?" Jongin smirked towards the coach as he went to lead the team.

"Watch it, you know you are to address me as coach Kim here" Yesung laughed.

Jongin heard the crowd outside begin to boo, meaning that the other team was making their way out. The team was lucky enough to have their first game at home.

"And now, for the first time this year, make some noise for your star team!" The announcer said.

"Alright boys, make me proud" Coach said before leading the team out.

"Look here he comes!" Kyungsoo lit up with a smile.

"Haha I love this new whipped Kyungsoo" Kris laughed.

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