Shots Fired//14

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WARNING: There are acts of violence and use of weapons in this chapter and possible character death. Also, Pay attention to the POV, it will be switching a few times. It fits better then 3rd Person in some places.

Jongin's POV

Once I arrived back at Taemin's it was about 3am the next morning. I walked in to see Taemin still fast asleep, his hand laying in the spot I usually lay in. I took off most of the clothes I had wore to the meeting and left on only a t-shirt and my boxers. I crawled into the bed and placed his arm around my waist. I felt it tighten right away, along with his head snuggling into my hair.

Normally I would smile and begin to blush profoundly but now I just felt guilty. At the meeting, once I left D.O's room I got to know to know the members a lot more and hung out with my section most of the time, but it was what happened with D.O that was affecting me.

*Flashback*(I can't get my italics to work so I'm using underline)

Kai looked at D.O's hand holding the door closed behind him, then went back to look at his face.

"Yeah what is it?" Kai asked

"The reason I let you go the first time was unknown to me, but now I think the pieces are coming together. When I first met you, Jongin, even though it wasn't in the most pleasant way, something in you struck me as interesting. I guess the same way I did for you. Lately, this interesting feeling has been growing into something serious, something I can't control...and that's not me. So I'd appreciate it, if you'd quit being so fucking attractive" D.O finished, his eyes being closed the whole time.

He then kissed right beside the left piercing on Kai's lip before removing his hand from the door and walking out of the room before Kai.

Kai stood there, trying to comprehend what just happened. He touched the side of his lip, and smiled. He then left the room, the two not speaking of the conversation the rest of the time.


I turned over in Taemin's embrace so that my face was facing his. I loved Taemin, but I think I had feelings growing for Kyungsoo. Something had to stop, and I think I knew who I belonged with. I laid my hand on Taemin's cheek and ran my thumb across his soft skin.

"I love you Tae" I kissed him gently before letting my eyes fall closed, in my boyfriends loving embrace.


3rd Person POV

"Everyone ready?" D.O said as he pulled the mask over his mouth. Nods were seen across the room. D.O nodded back before leading everyone up the stairs.

"Stealth crew, you're riding with me. Lu and Kris ride with Tech. Tao, and Xiumin, you're with Lay" D.O pointed and everyone went to their assigned cars.

Once they were all seated, D.O quickly pulled out, the tires making a sound off the road. The other cars quickly following.
Kai looked over at D.O, his heart thumping fast, but his body full of adrenaline.

"So, why do we take separate cars?" Kai asked.

"The Tech Guys have a special car, full of computers, triggers, cameras, Those types of things. Also because when we disperse we all go different routes, as you should've noticed in the plan. In case one of us gets caught, not all of us are" He said, his eyes focused on the road.

"And what do we do if one of them do get caught, or I'm one to get caught?"

"Simple, never, ever snitch on the rest of us. And we'll make sure to get you out. We of course, have our ways" D.O replied. Kai nodded in response.

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