Emotions Are A Bitch//24

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3rd Person POV

Baekhyun lurched forward and wrapped his arms around Chanyeol's waist to hold him in place.

"Baek..Let. Go." Chan said, his eyes burning into Mark's figure.

"You don't have to go that far. I'm still here, I'm still alive" Baekhyun attempted to reach for the gun.

"Stop it!" Chan kept a grip on it. "Touching you was where he drew the line, but then attempting to kill you!? He deserves to die, painfully"

Chen didn't know what to do in this situation, he's never seen Chan so protective over someone. From what he was hearing, it sounded like Mark had previously did something to the new kid. That sort of made him angry. Chen walked forward and did what he was told. He removed his arms from Chan's waist before stepping in front of him.

"Thank you" Chan mouthed to Chen. Just as he was about to proceed, Jackson stood up.

"Drop him" Jackson said sternly.

"What?" Mark looked towards him, but kept his grip on Kai.

"I'm not your boyfriend" Jackson replied, his eyes closed. He looked as if he was trying to hold back so much.

"...what do you mean" Mark dropped Kai and walked forward.

"Last I checked, a boyfriend doesn't treat someone they love the way you treated me. I took all of your shit for so long and never questioned it because I was so damn in love with you. All you had to do was bat your eyes and flash your perfect smile to get me to believe you. You've never stood up for me behind closed doors. And then I hear you continued your ways by going sexually harassing someone? You are literal shit Mark Tuan" Jackson said. Every word filled with hurt. It even effected many of the members standing around them.

"Jacks..." Mark picked up Jackson's hands in his. "I love you Jacks. I'm sorry I didn't know I was hurting you" He then began to lay light kisses on his face, leading a trail to his lips.

Jackson didn't know how to react to the kiss at first. His body stayed stiff, he eyes stayed closed. He loved Mark so much. Maybe he was a little hard on him..

"See.." Mark pulled away "You love me Jacks. Just come back so we can be happy again"


Jackson dropped Marks hands and pushed past him. He went through his members to meet the rest of GOT7 who kept their place by the stairs.

"Happy? How was I ever supposed to experience happiness with you guys?" He pushed Jaebum. "You treated me just as bad as Mark. You call yourself a leader. A leader is supposed to protect his members. Stick up for them. Go after anyone that made their guard go down. Love them.." he shot a glance towards D.O. who had his eyes glued on the situation at hand. "But you.." he pushed him once more "You didn't do shit. You joined them. Fuck all of you" He glared at his previous members.

GOT7 rarely ever heard Jackson curse. They stood there in a shock. Most of the members standing behind Jaebum began to look towards the ground in regret. Maybe they should've been nicer to him.

"So you're one of them now?" Jaebum asked, his tone unreadable.

"Maybe I am maybe I'm not. But the little time that I've been staying here. I've been more appreciated then by you ever" Jackson finished.

D.O walked forward, in between Jackson and Jaebum.

"Get out of here before anyone gets seriously hurt" D.O said blankly.

Mark walked forward from his spot behind it all.

"You're going to regret this" he said through gritted teeth.

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