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Jongin's POV

"Why in the hell would you wanna do that!?" Sehun exclaimed

"Because, I assume what I'll get caught up in has something to do with him and that may be the only way I can find out who he is" I shrugged

"Have you even thought of how dangerous this 'something' could be?"

Sehun looked genuinely angry with a distinct look of worry on his face and I couldn't necessarily figure out why. I knew he was a close friend of mine but this was my decision.

"Well no but....I don't know! My mind is set. I always take the safe route in life up until now. It's time I take risk" I said sternly.

"Good for you Jong! Especially because I'll be right your side the whole time!" Taemin smiled and laid his arm over my shoulders.

"No tae, you won't be." I said mutely

"What? What do you mean? You don't think I would dare let you do this alone?" His hand laid on his chest.

"I can't risk getting you or any of you caught up in this too" I shook my head

"Theirs still a problem here. You said when you left here, you ended up in that neighborhood because you got lost. You don't even know how to get there." Sehun smirked

"Remember, I ended up having to take a cab back home which means that I know how to get there from my house."

"You remember every single turn?"

"I can figure it out."

"You're so damn stubborn Jongin!" Sehun rose up from his chair and left without one more glance towards him.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. He's just worried you know" Wonpil said "as we all are"

"How about this, Tae you have an iPhone also right?"

"Yeah, wae?" He asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Here.." I took his phone and went to my contact. I turned on the 'share my location' option.

"There, if anything does wrong and I stop answering or something. You'll be able to see my location at all times."

"I still don't like this whole idea, but that makes me feel a little better. Thanks Jong, and I hope you find what you're looking for" The purple haired boy smiled as he hugged me. 

Now, all I had to do was plan exactly how I was going to approach this.


3rd Person POV

Sehun didn't know what to do.

He cared for one of his closest friends and didn't want him to get caught up in the same predicament as him.

But, he technically couldn't do or say anything about it because he was part of exactly what Jongin was getting himself into.

He never really had any problems with the gang. They were nice people once they warmed up to you.

It was just the sudden danger he would be in.

It is a gang that participates in gang related activity after all. Violence. Death. Shootings. Money. Sex. Etc.

Whatever the case may be, Sehun knew he would do whatever he could to protect Jongin. He would most likely be in the same section as him anyway.

Somebody from his private life could now be involved in this and that meant for Sehun to become more protective over it.

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