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Kyungsoo trailed through the halls. After yet another late night at headcourters, it was a wonder how or why the fuck he was here.

See Kyungsoo lead one of Seoul's most feared gangs. Even though most people who they hit had no idea who they actually were. Just the name they left behind.

Unlike most gang members who dropped out of school at a young age, Kyungsoo wanted to prove to himself that he could do both and be successful. One of the best parts of having an underground gang.
His parents, they didn't live with him. So obviously they had no idea about his activities with the gang, however they did know he was attending school. He wanted to prove to them that he could finish.

You could say that Kyungsoo was famous with the ladies, he would have a girl latched onto his tatted neck whenever he felt the need.

When it came down to it though, he would put his members before anything and anyone.


Jongin finished out his outfit with his white beanie and was out the door. The snow lightly fell against his face as he began his walk to school.

Jongin tried not to complain about attending school much. He stayed out of trouble and out of everyone's way. Not to mention he was on a full scholarship.

Jongin wouldn't say that his life was boring but he really only had 2 real relationships and still was clinging to his virginity. He just hasn't found the one worth doing that with yet.

He entered the school building only to be greeted with a hard hit to his shoulder which knocked him back a bit.

"Watch it fucker"

A/N: Guys I forgot to mention, I'm going to be using multiple punk edits in this story. I DO NOT OWN ANY (as of right now). If you happen to be the owner of any BY ALL MEANS THE CRED IS ALL YOURS.

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