Chapter 18

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(At the Coffee shop)

Mina POV
"Oso osey-.." I greeted a customer when I heard somebody coming in but then I was shocked that it was Chaeyoung.

"Are you still mad?" Chaeyoung approached me but I still ignored him. I knew he would approached me so I just went to the counter instead.

"Love is timing~ Love is coming coming~" out of nowhere Dahyun was singing made me sneered at her. Dahyun only mouthed 'what?' while shrugging her shoulders.

"What do you want to drink, sir?" I said as I was reached the counter to take customers' order..

Well..I was just kind of feeling like treating him just like any other customer. And obviously that made Chaeyoung was taken aback from my sudden action.

"Hmm 1 vanilla latte and a slice of New York Cheesecake please" Chaeyoung responded and I told him to pay first. That moment I knew he felt dumbfounded but he calmly took out his card and paid for it.

"Thank you. Please wait at the table" I said coldly after swiping Chaeyoung's card and asked him to sign the receipt.

"Gosh. She's really cold" I heard he talked to himself as he put back his company card to his wallet and then he went to sit at an empty table waiting for his order.

After 5 minutes, I served Chaeyoung's order but still not talking or having eye contact with Chaeyoung. Cause.. I don't know.. perhaps I was still sad about what had happened last night.

"Sit down.. eat with me" Chaeyoung grabbed my wrist and gestured me to sit down. I was like.. woah this man really! I refused it at first but finally gave in so I sat down as requested by him, rolling my eyes.

"Look..I'm really sorry..something came up last night and I really forgot that we were supposed to meet.. can you forgive me? please?" he said, looking into my eyes and I wouldn't lie that his eyes were like sparkling at that time. Gosh, why is he so cute??!

Then I tried to avoid his eye contact and just looking outside the coffee shop.

"What should I do so that you're not mad anymore?" Chaeyoung asked again.

'Date me' I spoke but only in heart. I wouldn't dare to say it out loud. I mean it'd be too direct so nah. Besides, I don't want him to find out that I really wanted his attention now, knowing that he'll my future husband anyway.

"Mina-ya.." Chaeyoung called out my name with his sweet voice and I realized that he finally dropped the honorifics or he already did since last night..

"Oh?" I answered after he was calling my name multiple times.

"Aigoo.. should we go eat dinner later? I'll promise I won't forget it again..okay? I'll come here and pick you up later" Chaeyoung smiled.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and left him to continue doing my work.

(In the afternoon, at Son Fashion Co.)

No One POV
Chaeyoung was at his office and his secretary told him that somebody wanted to meet him.

"Yeah ask them to come in" Chaeyoung told his secretary.

His guests then came in, it was Tzuyu and her manager.

"Your office is really nice, Chaeyoung-ah" Tzuyu complimented as soon as she entered the office.

"Have a seat" Chaeyoung smiled gesturing the two of them to sit on the sofa.

"Annyeonghaseyo..I'm Tzuyu's manager, Sana. I heard from Tzuyu that you're going to recruit her to become an ambassador of your product, is it correct?" Tzuyu's manager, Sana, started the conversation.

"Yeah and that's why I asked her to come here so we can discuss further about it" Chaeyoung replied.

"Can I see the documents?" Sana requested.

"Ahh yeah. These are the documents and you may go through it first.." Chaeyoung gave the related documents to Sana.

"What about her payment? I don't want that later when my Tzuyu does the job, you're not paying her" Sana asked while reading the documents.

'Did she just say 'my Tzuyu'? gosh she's just merely a manager not a boss' Chaeyoung talked to himself.

"You don't have to worry about that.. if you agree, we can discuss about the payment and etc" Chaeyoung responded.

"Okay. Where's the contract?" Sana asked and Chaeyoung prepared the contract right away.

"Here you go. Please check everything and do tell me if there's anything you want to change"

Sana and Tzuyu were both reading the agreement contract.

"Do you have anymore to add on, Tzuyu-ya?" Chaeyoung asked.

"I've got no problem if my manager is okay with it" Tzuyu said pointing at the contract.

"Okay..if that's the case..please sign here" Chaeyoung said and Tzuyu finally signed a contract with them.

"I'm looking forward to work with you two" Chaeyoung offered his hand and he shook hands with them.

"Gomawo Chaeyoung-ah.." Tzuyu said.

"If there's anything, just call me.. so I can fix her schedule" Sana said giving out her business card to Chaeyoung before they left the office.

After Tzuyu and her manager left the office, Chaeyoung told his secretary to arrange a meeting right away to discuss about their project preparation.

Few minutes later, at the conference room, his employees were already there.

"Do the preparation and launching soon. Set the date and everything.." Chaeyoung said as soon as he came in.

"But the model..sir" one of the employees said, because they knew they haven't secured the right model yet.

"We've successfully signed with a model" the secretary announced and everyone in the meeting room was whispering to each other, wondering who is the model.

The secretary then showed Tzuyu's picture in her modelling career as well as her profile on the projector screen and everyone was jaw dropping.

"She's Chou Tzuyu, our model for this project. So yeah.. to all managers, please make sure to secure the commercial filmings, partners, place and etc. Most importantly, please divide the tasks among yourselves and assign the relevant tasks to your subordinates. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir" everyone responded.

"So now let's get going.. MOVE" Chaeyoung said clapping his hands to make everyone does their job right away without wasting anymore time.

"I hope this project will launch as planned.." Chaeyoung grinned and then he took out his phone.

"Ah right! I still don't have her phone number. Nevermind, later I will meet her anyway and I think I better ask her if she knows my project will go well" he said facepalm-ing and rubbing his forehead.

— To be continued —

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