Chapter 7

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*Few days later*

No One POV
After work, Chaeyoung decided to meet his girlfriend to eat dinner together for their monthsary that night, so he called his girlfriend. He even bought a bouquet of flowers already to be given to his girlfriend.

"Oppa. Wae?" his girlfriend answered the phone call.

"Momo-ya. Let's eat dinner together" Chaeyoung said.

Yeah, Chaeyoung's gf is Momo, an actress. The two have been together for already a year and the rumor said that the two are going to get married.

"Now?" Momo asked, sounded so not excited of the sudden invitation by her boyfriend.

"Yeah now.. I'm hungry too. Shall we eat western dishe-.."

"Hmm sorry oppa.. I'm meeting my friends at the moment" Momo replied.

"But today is our months-.." Chaeyoung was cut off again.

"Mianhae oppa"

"Hmm it's okay" Chaeyoung replied with his sad tone and unexpectedly Momo hung up the call afterwards.

'Not even feeling sorry?' Chaeyoung said to himself feeling disappointed.

He looked at the bouquet of flowers, feeling mad, he threw it away and drove himself to a place that lighten his mood, precisely a club.

Besides, it had been days that Momo had been "busy" leaving Chaeyoung to spend most of his time alone.

(At the club)

Chaeyoung entered the club and seated at a bar counter.

"Can I have some alcohol?" Chaeyoung asked the bartender and then he got his drink.

Chaeyoung was enjoying the music while he was drinking a few shots of his drink. After quite awhile, Chaeyoung wanted to go to the toilet. However, unexpectedly he was stopped by a girl.

"Mina-ssi? why are you here?" Chaeyoung asked looking surprised as he saw Mina was there grabbing his wrist preventing him to pass by the toilet.

*Few hours ago*

(At the coffee shop)

"Wanna have a dinner with me?" Mina said smiling as she approached Jeongyeon who was busy checking the list of his store's stock. Jeongyeon looked at his watch and nodded.

"Come out in 5 minutes. I'll be in my car" Jeongyeon replied, smiling widely. He had been wanting to eat out with Mina all this time.

After exactly 5 minutes, Mina went out the coffee shop and got into Jeongyeon's car.

"Aren't you feeling cold?" Jeongyeon asked when he saw Mina wasn't wearing a thick parka when it was already winter and he immediately gave her an extra parka that he has in his car.

"Gomawo" Mina said while taking the parka.

"So where are we going to eat now?"

"Hmm I kinda want to eat beef sashimi and some spicy soup" Mina responded. Jeongyeon then took his phone and hurriedly checked some restaurant online that serve the food that Mina has been craving to eat.

"What about this?" Jeongyeon showed to Mina the place on his phone.

"Where is it? is it near the.. ah nevermind. It's still in Seoul right?" Mina said and Jeongyeon nodded.

"Okay let's go! I'm hungry!" Mina said pouting. Jeongyeon chuckled seeing Mina like that.

"Okay..wear your seatbelt now" Jeongeyeon then started driving and headed to the restaurant that they chose to dine in.

As they reached the restaurant, both of them were seated at a table and ordered their food. After they finished ordered, Jeongyeon was busy preparing some napkin, spoons and chopsticks for them while Mina was just staring at him. Jeongyeon noticed that and looked at Mina.

"Wae? why are you looking at me like that?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Nothing. I just wanna say sorry" Mina replied.

"Sorry for what?" Jeongyeon looked at her confused.

"First, sorry that we just get to go out together now and.." Mina suddenly stopped talking.

"And..?" Jeongyeon gestured Mina to continue her words.

"Actually..I saw it in my dream" Mina said making Jeongyeon looked confused.

"You saw what?"

"I know you like me. I knew that you were going to propose me that night but omma stopped that from happening.." Mina said and Jeongyeon was speechless.

"It's..okay.." Jeongyeon said in a sad tone after a minute.

"Mianhae. I can't accept you but I really don't want to lose a best friend like you, Jeongyeon-ah"

Their foods were then served. Mina was excited when she saw the beef sashimi, her favourite food and she started digging in while Jeongyeon was still in a deep thought. He then looked at Mina once again.

"I get it you want us to be just friends but.."

"Can we have a one day date?" Jeongyeon and Mina said it at the same time. Mina smiled afterwards.

"Eh?" Jeongyeon was surprised to hear that.

"I knew you were going to say that.. and I'll have to say no" Mina replied while still munching on her food.

"But.. why?" Jeongyeon looked at Mina wanted to know the reason why.

"Because.. there'll be someone else appear in your life.." Mina said chuckling and she then put Jeongyeon's chopsticks onto his hands so he can starts eating.

"What are you talking about?" Jeongyeon responded confused. Mina just chuckled and continued eating the food.

After finishing their meals, Jeongyeon paid the bills and both went out the restaurant. Mina looked at her watch noticing that she might be late.

"Go home now. I'll just ride a bus" Mina said.

"Are you sure? it's cold" Jeongyeon replied and Mina nodded.

"Hmm okay then. See you tomorrow Mina-ya" Jeongyeon bid his goodbye and walking towards his car.

"Be careful not to get drunk Jeongyeon-ah" Mina chuckled again. Jeongyeon frowned not understanding what Mina was trying to say but still got into his car without asking further questions. Mina then waved at him.

Soon after she no longer seeing Jeongyeon's car there, Mina panickly ran somewhere with all her might.

"I need to reach there before 10.11pm" Mina said to herself, while panting running to a place.

(At the club)

In the ladies' toilet, there were some girls fighting to the point that one girl was trying to pull the hair of other girls because of calling her a gold digger.

Chaeyoung got up from his seat and wanted to go to the toilet but as he was really near to the toilet, a girl was grabbing his wrist and bringing him outside the club.

"Mina-ssi? why are you here?" Chaeyoung asked.

"To stop you from seeing and hearing something that you shouldn't" Mina said.


"Let's go somewhere else.." Mina said and unknowingly Mina grabbed Chaeyoung's hand and walked to the bridge nearby.

— To be continued —

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