Chapter 38

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*few minutes before Chaeyoung went to the room*

No One POV
Chaeyoung's secretary went to Chaeyoung to tell him where Mina is. Chaeyoung nodded.

"And also.." his secretary trailed off.

"What is it?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Your second book is already published earlier and I heard the books are already finished. The book has been listed as the number one fast selling book. People are already asking when are you going to publish the third book and why you still become the mysterious author" his secretary said.

Chaeyoung smiled upon hearing the news.

"I just like to be mysterious.. it would be hectic if people know that I'm the author" Chaeyoung replied.

"When will the sequel of book 2 comes out?" his secretary asked out of curiousity.

"Don't worry. I will let you know about it.." Chaeyoung replied.

"Okay sir.."

"Oh yeah please prepare the things that I told you earlier.. and I'll drive the car later. You can go home now" Chaeyoung said and then he went straight to the lounge room to see Mina.

As he went inside, he smiled widely as he saw Mina fell asleep on the couch. As he saw Mina's head was about to bang the side of the couch, he quickly sat next to her and put Mina's head on his shoulder. He giggled seeing Mina falling asleep like that.

Mina finally woke up when she sensed her head was leaning on something. She turned to see that it was Chaeyoung beside her.

"Did you sleep well? mianhae.. you had to wait" Chaeyoung asked.

Mina smiled and hugged her boyfriend's arm.

"I've something for you" Chaeyoung said and Mina looked at him while Chaeyoung was taking out something from a paper bag.

"This" he gave Mina a cute small box wrapped with a beautiful ribbon.

"What is this?" Mina asked and he gestured Mina to open it.

"I hope you like it" Chaeyoung said and Mina opened it which it finally revealed what's inside.

"Macarons. I love macarons" Mina squealed like a 5 years old kid.

"I made it last night before going to sleep" he said proudly.

"Really? can I taste it?" Mina asked and he nodded. Mina took one and had a bite.

"It's so delicious! did you really make these? you bought it from the store, didn't you?" Mina said as she couldn't believe that it was so good.

"I'm a man who can cook" Chaeyoung said ruffling his hair feeling so proud. Mina just sneered at him.

Few minutes later, Chaeyoung told Mina that they will go somewhere and Mina agreed.

(In the evening, at Nayeon's apartment)

Nayeon POV
I still couldn't believe that I'm gonna get married to the man next to me, Jeongyeon. It still feel surreal to me.

I find it ridiculous when thinking of how we started this relationship but somehow after knowing him more, I feel like he's the guy that every girls would want. Being with him, I feel assured.

That evening, we were watching a movie together. But unexpectedly, the movie had that scene. S E X scene. I quickly looked at him and I knew he was holding it. You all know what I meant.

I gave no reaction when watching it but that was when I decided to grab my phone and searched something. I typed "is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?".

Well, I'm already pregnant but since it is our first time to have baby together, we're really cautious, afraid that it may harm the baby or the worst case.. miscarriage. So yeah, after I searched it.. it says that..

"There's no reason why you and your partner can't have a full and satisfying sex life. Your baby is snugly protected by the amniotic sac and the strong muscles of your womb (uterus), while the thick mucus plug that seals your cervix helps to guard against infection"

I was feeling somehow excited upon knowing it. I immediately looked for which sex positions are best during pregnancy. I grinned to myself, Jeongyeon didn't realize that. I put down my phone on the table.

Suddenly I felt Jeongyeon was hugging me on my waist. I knew that he wanted to do it but still afraid. As the movie ended, he fell asleep.

"I know you're holding it" I said slowly and then my eyes automatically looking at his pants.

— To be continued —

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Sorry for the teaser 😋
but you know it'll be in the next chapter.. enjoy!

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