Chapter 29

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(Late afternoon, at the Coffee shop)

Mina POV
"Mina-ya.. tell me what's bothering you? did you dream of something?" Jeongyeon asked me. He kept on asking that question so many times but I only shook my head, not wanting to answer anything.

"You can go now.. coz you don't seem like you're focusing on doing your work but before that could you please deliver this coffee to this address?" Jeongyeon gave me the coffee and a small paper with the address written on it.

"Okay. I'll go now" I said glared at Jeongyeon but still took the coffee and the paper from him. He only gave a mischiveous smile.

'Gosh.. what's wrong with him?' I said to myself, frowning.

I went out from the coffee shop and took a scooter to ride on.

"Why would this person only buying a cup of coffee?" I let out a deep sigh as I got onto the scooter.

Okay.. I was feeling down since the dream I was having early in the morning. It kept on bothering me. Why? because if the article comes out, I know very well that it would affect Chaeyoung's project. I know I hated it when Chaeyoung kept on asking me if the project will be a success or not.

But the fact that he is the one that I will be ended up getting married with, it becomes natural that I should help him. What's more.. how can I not love a man knowing that he will be my future husband? I mean.. he's cool, handsome and wealthy..? I must be insane for ignoring people like that.

Yes.. from the start I knew that Chaeyoung is going to be the man of my life.. my feelings towards him started to develop since then.. even if I didn't know him much but he makes my heart flutters so I could not help but to fall in love with him more.

And yeah that is that.. People might also be wondering why am I bothered with the article? actually I don't mind that model named Tzuyu is dating her manager.. which is surprisingly, a girl too. I mean I don't really mind about homosexual relationship thing cause I do still support those thing but they should be really careful.

Why? it is because paparazzis and reporters are everywhere.. they are always searching for some celebrities scoop and what's so scary about them is that they won't stop. Imagine if the world and netizens found out.. I'm pretty sure you can guess what will happen next, isn't? so that's what I'm trying to stop.. in order to do that.. I need to meet Chaeyoung first.

Few minutes later, I arrived to the address written in the small paper. I looked at the place, I was amused by the place.

"Is this a private gym?" I said while taking off my helmet. Then, I took the coffee and went inside the building. I can already smell the smell of the sweats, well.. obviously.

The place is really huge and very luxurious so I guess only people with membership and VIPs come here often. At that time, there were a lot of people working out but I kept walked and walked to find a room where my customer is at.

"Who ordered coffee? Coffee is here~~" I announced it so many times in hoping to see the customer who bought the coffee before I go home.

Few seconds later, I saw a man figure in the room from the translucent door. Ahh.. he might be the customer who had just ordered the coffee. I tried to knock the door.. I didn't dare to barge in because it is the men changing room.

The door was then opened and I saw the back figure of the man earlier. That man was trying to button up his blouse. From the back, I felt like this guy is somewhat familiar. Don't tell me...

"It's me.." the man said as he turned to me. I was so damn surprised.

"Chaeyoung-ssi?" I said in shock.

I was really surprised because it was really him. He just smiled and took the coffee from my hand. He even drank it right away.

Gosh he is making me feel awkward standing in front of him. I even forgot for awhile that I was going to meet him anyway to tell him about my dream but looking at him, it made me stunned and losing my mind because of his hotness.. hmm his body to be exact.

"How much is it?" Chaeyoung asked, smiling. Arghh.. that killer smile! I'm gonna go insane!

'Yah! stop looking at him like that!' the voice inside me said.

"5,000 won" I said not looking at him. He took his wallet and gave me the money.

But as I was going to take the money.. he said something.

"You don't remember anything?" he asked me looking at me.

But I was blank because I don't know what should I remember? all I can remember is I should tell him about that news article.

"Actually.." I said in a low voice. Yes, I should tell him about that article.

"I know what you wanna say.." he cut me off.

"We should st-.." I said but again he cut me off.

"That's not important.." he said and without me knowing, his face was already about 10cm in front of me.

"Omo.." I said in surprise.

"You really don't remember anything that night?" he asked again. Gosh.. what exactly I should remember??!

"Wh-What are you saying? that night?" I said stuttered.

"Should I make you remember?" he said as he was leaning his face more closer to mine. In instant, I hurriedly shut my eyes closed in case he wanted to kiss me. Oh my god! what did I just do???

"I guess you didn't remember.." he said and he pulled his face away from mine.

He then started to continue to button up his blouse.

"What is it? What should I remember?" I bursted angrily because I was so frustrated that I don't know what he tried to say.

"This frustrating me.. tell me" I said. He then turned to me.

"You.." he said.

"I? What..?"

"You stole my kiss.. that night. So I thought that was the reason why.. you were avoiding me"

"What? I did?? When?" oh my god.. did I really do that?

"When you were drunk that night.. I followed you. You even cursed me.. you talked bad about me but then you also kissed me.. in the bus" he finally answered my question.

The moment he said that my brain was processing faster than ever to process and recall what was happening that night. When my brain finally found the processed data inside my head, everything was on replay. It took me in few seconds to finally remember that.. I.. kissed him. Oh my god.. I did kiss him. This is so embarassing.

"Now you remember it..?" he asked with his killer smile.

"Y-Yeah.. but what about it?? are you mad because I stole your kiss?" I replied. I had to answer it aggressively to not show him that I am really embarassed of what happened that night.

"Nothing.." he said but still smiling. Again I looked elsewhere, not wanting to look at his smiling face.

"But.. I'll return it back to you" he added. Return what?!

He then slowly grabbed my face and leaned his face closer. I could feel he was breathing and that made my face heats.

"The kiss" he said and he kissed me.

But surprisingly, I welcomed him graciously. My lips entangled with his. We moved in sync with one another. It began with light strokes of my soft lips but then it turned out to be more than that.

—  To be continued —

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