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If you are a long time follower of mine, you probably notice that I posted some random ass rant book, okay, maybe it was more like a "curhat" type of book rather than an "uneg-uneg" type of book, cus it's about a guy and what I want to do with him, and at the time I wrote it, we are just a merely stranger.

On today's date, lots of things has change between us. Some are good, and some are bad. I can say it's more good than bad.

My point is... I think I got a problem. You see... On holidays like this, I realise the kind of jerk he is, and I hate him for that, which lead me into thinking it's time to leave him behind. The only problem is.... I can't get him the hell out of my head, but I want to because there's only so much a person could take. And when the holiday is over, when I finally managed to let him go, I saw his cutesy little smile and a smidgen of his charm, I am damn right back to where I was before the holidays.

Also, on holidays like this, my mind keeps on replaying all the memories we had together, comparing the good and the bad that happened in the past. There's only small part of bad came to mind, but that smidgen part of bad is enough to annoy me to the point where I thought, "what the fuck am I still doing?!" And then the good came to view, answering my own question, "because he is not so bad"

Fuck his stupid dumb ass charm that got me so wrapped up in him! He could be really sweet and a moment later be the asshole. He could be crazy with you and a moment later would mock you for being crazy and weird.

BUT THAT SMILE OF HIS! Ugh! For God sake! That smile of his..... stupid smile, but cute. Super cute. His jokes? Cheap but got me smiling on a bad day. He won't say that he cares, but he repeatedly shows that he did by always scolding me for not being careful enough and "panicking" and "angry" when finally my carelessness got me into an accident.

Damn it. I don't know what to do with him. He gave me mixed signal. Lots of it. What did he want?! I just wish I could read his mind so I know exactly what he want.

You suck!

But you got me falling for you anyways. And that is why you suck, Robin!

The Secret Life of The Innocent Daughter (The Secret Life Series #4)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang