2. When they find out you are sick

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- Skips school to help you
- Makes soup and hand feeds it to you
- "Say ah Y/N"
- Cuddles
- Helps you fall asleep by singing to you

- Skips school
- Does anything and everything you need
- "Y/N I am here to serve, what do you need?"
- Forces you to take medicine and scolds you when you refuse
- "God Dammit just take the medicine Y/N!"

- Comes to your house after school
- Insists that you take no medicine
- "Atua will heal you!"
- Reads her gods bible to help you sleep
- "Get better Y/N!"

- Skips school immediately
- Force feeds you soup and medicine by hand
- Freaking out because she wants you to feel better
- Cuddles
- "Its ok Y/N I'll take care of you!!!"

- Comes over after school
- Refuses to hand feed you
- "Be grateful I the gorgeous girl genius even made you soup!"
- Succumbs to the pressure and hand feeds you anyways blushing
- Kisses your cheek when you fall asleep

- Skips school
- Dresses up like a nurse and gives you lots of medicine
- "Y/N deserves to be treated the best!"
- Cuddles with you
- Puts on anime to help you sleep

- Skips school for you
- Makes amazing soup
- blushes while hand feeding
- "Hmph"
- Kisses your forehead when you fall asleep

- Comes over after school
- Attempts to entertain you by doing magic tricks
- "My magic will fix you"
- Falls asleep on your shoulder
- Ends up getting sick aswell

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