7. New years special Pt 1

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All of your friends were invited to a new years party, hosted by Angie who always insisted that everyone came to her house. It was currently 11:56pm, and everyone was chatting about new years resolutions. "Hey
Y/N can we talk?" Your good friend Kaede asked, a soft smile placed across her face. You nodded, following her up the stairs to Angie's balcony. Glancing at her watch Kaede pulled you beside the fence, watching in awe as you looked at the starry sky. You sat in silence for a few moments before noticing that Kaede was so focused on her watch she jumped when it hit 12:00. Swiftly, she grabbed your face and kissed you, just like those cheesy romance stories.

You smiled happily, filling your plate with various foods. You were at Angie's new years party and she deemed everyone was to feast. After piling it up you sat at the dinner table, all your friends joining in. However you paid no mind to them, only letting your focus land on your crush Kirumi. Over two years you and her had become good friends, despite you being polar opposites. Your goal was to kiss her before the clock struck 12, and you had a plan. As if on cue you tipped your drink, making it appear as an accident. "Ah sorry I'll clean it up!" You acted, grinning when Kirumi was already heading to the kitchen for napkins. Hot on her heels you gripped her sleeve and pulled her to the corner of the kitchen. Giving you an odd look she asked
"Y/N what is it?" Smiling you kissed her, a muffled gasp escaped her lips before kissing you back.

"Okay everyone! It is now time for our annual New years hide and seek tournament" your friend Angie said excitedly, her smile wide. Every year you and your friends would visit Angie's house for New tears, hosting a hide and seek tournament. "Since Ouma won last year, he gets to be it!" She cheered, earning a very annoyed groan from the short boy. Getting in place he closed his eyes, counting to 30. Everyone began to scatter as you rushed to the top floor, were to hide? Slipping into a random room (which was Angie's) you hide in her closet, behind a large stuffed bear. As you settled a cold hand touched your arm, you jumped. "Nyahahaha did I scare you Y/N~Chan?" A familiar voice said happily. You blinked, unable to register your thoughts. "What the hell Angie" you whispered, hearing steps going up the stairs. She only smiled as you opened your mouth to scold her when she placed her lips on yours, silencing you. After the foot steps disappeared she broke free, smiling widely.

You sat on the porch, snuggling your lower face into your very thick scarf. It was new years eve, and you were currently at your friend Angies party. You sighed, this year wasn't necessarily kind to you, and you hoped 2018 would change that. "Why are you outside? Himikos doing magic tricks!" A voice said, without thinking you already knew it was Tenko. A growl escaped your lips when she said the name Himiko, she was obsessed with her! Why did she never.. Why didn't she like you in that way? You were jealous, and it hurt. Tenko sat next to you and put a hand on your cold shoulder "what's wrong Y/N?" She had asked so worried it kinda made you feel bad. "Do you like me Tenko?" You blurted, tears pricking your eyes. She had blushed "of course I like yo-" "no, do you like like me?" You cut her off, if she rejected you at least it would be before the new year. Suddenly she had kissed you, fireworks going on behind you.

It was new years! And the party Angie had hosted was beyond crazy. Unlike the past parties thus one had everyone passed out before midnight. Rantaro had fallen asleep on the living room rug, with Ouma, Shuichi, Kiibo, and Kaito on top passed out as well. Some of the others were in the kitchen, like Kirumi who was sprawled across the counter like a dead body. You were in the dining room, under the table with your friend Miu beside you. You were the only one not to get drunk, and had to get everyone inside before they froze in the snow. You frowned, Miu was snuggled up against you as she snored. You had deep feeling for her, but she never paid much mind to you no matter how hard you tried. In a flash you pet her hair, at least now you could kiss her without being called out right? You kissed her cheek before hearing her mumble "I love you Y/N".

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