48. Doing your makeup

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@MocheeUwu requested this like a month ago, and I'm deeply sorry! But I'm back now! And putting all my effort into the requests I missed!
Not edited❌

~Kaede Akamatsu~
- You hovered over the bathroom sink while studying your face.
- Careful, careful, car- "Ow!"
- You ended up poking yourself in the eye with the eyeliner pen
- Kaede, your girlfriend came running over. And let out a small giggle when she noticed your trouble.
- "Do you need help with your makeup Y/N? Here let me do it"
- She gently sat you down and began working
- Her makeup style is subtle and natural, so she was done rather quickly.
- You thanked her and looked into the mirror.
- You had on some lipgloss, light brown eye shadow, medium lashes, and subtle eyeliner.
- Leave it up to your personal pianist to do a great job

~Kirumi Tojo~
- You weren't a big fan of makeup, but you had an important meeting today
- Therefore you had to sit inches away from the mirror and try to make yourself presentable
- After multiple tries you groaned in frustration, and it seemed that your girlfriend could sense your distress.
- "Do you need help Y/N?"
- You nodded slightly, and let her fix whatever mess you made
- She was done rather quickly, considering how slow and careful she was
- When she finished you kissed her on the cheek and looked back into the mirror
- You had on natural tone lipstick, perfectly straight and reciprocal eyeliner, and a little bit of light brow eyeshadow.
- Leave it up to your personal maid to do a great job

~Angie Yonaga~
- You were stressed as all hell today
- And with school in less than 20 minutes the makeup was still nonexistent on your face
- You just kept messing up!
- Luckily a particular artist was nearby, and decided to help you.
- "Nyahahaha! Let me show you how it is done Y/N~Chan!"
- Angie took a bit longer than preferred, so you could only hope that it looked good
- She pushed you infront of the mirror so you could admire her work, it was a bit out of your comfort zone.
- You had on natural tone lipstick, and a slight blush, but you had a killer cat eye with spirals and dots at the bottom. With a slight strong of orange and yellow as eye shadow.
- Leave it up to the ultimate artist to go a bit crazy

~Tenko Chabashira~
- You sat on the bathroom counter, inches away from the mirror
- You just couldn't use the mascara without it getting in your eyes and all over you cheeks
- "Tenko?"
- "Yes Y/N?"
- You asked for her help and she gladly agreed, rushing to turn you around and fix whatever you did to your face.
- Tenko never wore makeup herself that often, so putting your trust in her might've not been the best idea.
- Still after a long wait she was finished, and you looked into the mirror
- You had on light lipgloss, with light brown eye shadow, and slight eye shadow and barely any mascara.
- "Why didn't you add more?"
- "Because I think you look beautiful even without makeup Y/N!"

~Miu Iruma~
- You had work in a few minutes, and your makeup was an absolute mess because of how stressed you where
- "Ugh!"
- You snapped the eyeliner pencil in half
- "Oi need help small tits?"
- Your girlfriend Miu came over and took over the makeup bag, sitting you down and began working
- Whatever the hell she was doing took forever, and you counted every minute you were late while she was finishing up
- Finally she was done and turned you around in pride
- You had on bright red lipstick with killer eyeliner, light blush and light blue eye shadow. But the thing that stood out was the pair of hearts under each eye.
- "You made me an e-girl?!"

~Tsumugi Shirogane~
- You had a work interview in a few, and you needed your makeup to look perfect
- But alas you sucked at it, and therefore needed to call in some help
- Your best friend Tsumugi rushed over as soon as she heard you needed makeup help, and took over the job in an instant
- "Don't worry Y/N, I'll make sure you look great!"
- She was pretty fast, and you were only slightly worried that whatever she was doing was something extra
- She gave you a mirror and waited in anticipation
- You had on killer eyeliner, with white on your bottom eyelid. You had long lashes, sparkly lip gloss, and sight pink blush.
- "Thanks a lot Smoogie!"

-Maki Harukawa-
- You where trying to follow a makeup tutorial on YouTube, but the person was going way to fast
- "Do you need help?"
- A voice behind you made you nearly fall backwards
- It was your girlfriend Maki, and after your breath went back to normal you agreed
- She was fast, and pushed the pencil a little too hard, let's just say that you feared for your eyeball.
- Luckily she was done quickly, and gave you the mirror
- You had on slight eyeliner with light red eye shadow, natural tone lipstick, and slight mascara.
- It was surprisingly good
- "Sometimes the kids at the orphanage wanted me to do their makeup, so I've had practice."

~Himiko Yumeno~
- You were fixing up your makeup before school
- But you kept smudging it with your hands
- After a few desperate attempts your friend Himiko came to save the day
- "I shall use my magic to make you look beautiful"
- She was a bit clumsy, and pretty slow, but you were grateful for her help
- Until you saw your face in the mirror
- Your lipgloss was all over your chin, and your light brown eye shadow was overbearingly strong and messy, you kinda looked like a clown.
- But Himiko looked so proud you wore it for the whole day
- Leave it up to the ultimate mage to try her hardest

I've been gone forever, and I deeply apologize! I'm so sorry for taking so long!! But I'll try my best to catch up! Love you all! Thanks for waiting so patiently. ❤️

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