40. Demon Queen Miu x Fem! Reader Pt. 2

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Part one is on chapter 25, it's been over three months since I've touched this one. So hold on to your butts.
requested by PixieDogWrites
Y/N- Your name
L/N- Last name
V/N- Village name
You guessed it ❌

The words flew out faster than you can say the word gay. The demon queen look perplexed for a moment then let out a genuine smile.

"Of course you do! Who wouldn't! I'm the baddest, hottest, and most special chick in hell!" She continued boasting while you just admired her beauty. But she quickly put on a serious face, "so you can what, kill me?"
You rapidly shook your head, "I n-no, I want to go on a genuine date with you because well.. You're super hot and I have a crush on you."
How embarrassing, you just said that right to her face! HER FACE!

Again she looked perplexed as she seemed to think for a moment. Well I guess she is pretty attractive, the queen thought. I've always wanted a hot lesbian lover....
"Ok" the queen spoke, "guards take her to a cell" and with that you were pushed out of the room and dragged away.

You were going on a date with the woman of your dreams, sweet.


The cell they kept you in was small and dusty, only containing a small bed and mirror. Not even a toilet! Still after what seemed like forever a knock came from the door and a guard appeared. He looked just like the rest, an armor stand with no head. Still he handed you a peice of silk and slammed the door closed, what a gentleman.

You opened the package to reveal a white silk dress, (image below because author is too lazy to describe it)

The dress was simple and a size too small but over all you looked better than ever in the dirty mirror infront of you

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The dress was simple and a size too small but over all you looked better than ever in the dirty mirror infront of you. The gaurd provided no shoes, so you had to keep on the cruddy worn down flats you owned almost your whole life. And just two minutes later another gaurd knocked on the door to guide you with a spear through the halls and up some stairs. He took you outside where the land was dead and dark, kind of looked like a haunted forest but with no stars nor moon.

However the walk was short and it opened up into a clearing where the grass wasn't quite dead and held a shade of green. In the center was Miu Iruma, she looked the same. Except she was now wearing a bit more of a revealing black dress and your nose surely would've been bleeding if this was an anime. Atleast 50 guards were surrounding the clearing and almost half were all pointing their weapons toward you. Atleast you felt protected.

You sat on the opposite end of the table from Miu, her eyes flickering in the candle light. You gave a nervous smile, and she only stared. Maybe she wanted you to speak first?
"H-Hello" you managed, your words quiet.

"What an ugly dress" she responded, standing up and walking towards you. She (surprisingly) gently grabbed your arm and began to feel the fabric. "Who made this? Tsumugi? Tch probably, the hag always had an outdated style choice." You could only stare, she was a bit taller so when she leaned over to inspect your hair her chest was right infront of your face. Your hair was dirty and probably caked in mud, your town wasn't the richest after all.

Still she let out a satisfied grunt and walked back over to her end of the table.
"So, tell me about yourself." It sounded more of an order, so you quickly gave her an answer.

"I'm Y/N L/N, villager of V/N. I noticed your posters all around the town and well..." You trailed off, no way could you say you saw her picture and immediately wanted to marry her! "And?" The queen questioned, her voice was a bit more gentle than expected.
"And I thought you looked h-hot and I was like 'I'd love to date her'" your face was surely bright red.

"Oh you only like me for my looks?"
"N-No no! In fact I admired how smart you were! Y-Yeah taking in townsfolk one by one, it's admiring r-really!" You didn't know what you were saying anymore, it was as if you were on airplane mode. (Even though cellphones don't exist in this au, just shh)
The queen was deep in thought, even after a guard gave you your meals. It appeared to be a chunk of meat, uncooked and still bloody.
You let out a gulp, watching your love interest complete engulf her own. Then looked at you in anticipation"

"I uh, I can't eat this... I'll get sick" it's true, if a human eats raw meat it'll surely get them sick. "What are you? A pussy?" The words made you jump, "no!"

"Then eat it!"
"I can't!"
"Then you're a pussy"
"Ok ok!"

And with that you cut a small peice and placed it in your mouth hurriedly, it tasted horrible. Definitely not something you've ever had before, maybe an unknown animal? Yet the queen was looking at you with such a hopeful expression you swallowed, disgusting.
"Holy shit she actually did it!" The queen roared, some of the guards clapped, others nodded. What the hell? She must've seen your confused expression because she quickly explained. "It's human flesh, I never thought I'd get you to eat it! Every person that's came down can never swallow it, and then I gotta kill em. But you, you got potential!"

You almost gagged when she said human flesh, of course it was, SHE WAS A DEMON!
Still she quickly ran over and pulled you out of the chair, "now let's have some fun" and with that she lead you away from the clearing into the castle straight into her bedroom.

Oh dear.

This didn't turn out as good as I hoped, yet I still believe it's passing. What do you think?

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