39. Catch You Watchin Fifty Shades

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This book is so old some of the older chapters are so bad oml. Still I hope to make up for that and my absence with something a bit more unusual.
Requested by PixieDogWrites
Read till the end to find out what I'm finally making part two of. And a hair reveal.
Not edited, per usual ❌

~Kaede Akamatsu~
- You where bored and home alone with nothing better to do than flip through the channels on tv
- Your girlfriend Kaede was away doing some errands and it just so happened that Fifty Shades Of Gray was on
- Normally she'd probably be uncomfortable if she found out you were watching something like that, but since nobody was home you where free to do as you pleased
- Time went on as you really got into a scene so you didn't notice when the door opened and Kaede walked into the apartment with bags of groceries
- She wanted to surprise you with her presence so she snuck up behind the couch
- And right when she was about to scare you she noticed what you were watching
- She stumbled a bit back in shock and knocked over a plotted plant, she insisted that you had atleast three in every room after all
- You jumped and turned around quickly, noticing your girlfriend on the floor bright red and with a sheepish smile
- Let's just say dinner was a bit awkward that night

~Kirumi Tojo~
-It was early morning when your wife left to go to work, and like always she woke you up with her so she could prepare a large breakfast for the two of you to share
- You kissed her goodbye when she finished washing the dishes and she was gone within 10 minutes
- With nothing better to do you sat down on the couch and saw that the movie Fifty Shades Of Gray was on
-  Your motherly wife would surely scold you if she caught you watching it, but with nothing better on you got comfortable and pressed play
- Not even an hour later Kirumi emerged through the door, she had forgotten something and didn't realize till later
- She was about to just grab the missing item and leave but she noticed what you where watching
- And with a shake of her head she silently left
- At dinner that night you can only assume the face you made when your wife asked about the movie

~Angie Yonaga~
- Your lovely girlfriend left your shared apartment in peruse of buying something from the craft store
- And you just so happened to find a certain movie in the cabinet when she left
- Fifty Shades Of Gray
- Now you knew what kind of weird cultural shit Angies' Island used to do when she grew up, but you never expected to find something so,,, dirty, in her possession
- Curious you popped the dvd into the tv and watched the movie, how bad could it be?
- It was pretty bad, and it over all made you a bit uncomfortable. How could your girlfriend watch this? Let alone own a copy?
- Still you watched it till the end and almost pissed yourself when you noticed Angie etching from behind you
- "So you found my movie nayahahaha~ looks like somebody's interested"

~Tenko Chabashira~
- It was a hot summer day and your girlfriend Tenko decided to go out and buy you matching swimsuits, the ones you owned were old and she wanted it to be a surprise
- In her absence you decided to skim the tv for anything exciting
- You found something exciting all right
- Fifty Shades Of Gray
- You watched it after some hesitation, why not? You shouldn't have done that
- Tenko came home earlier than you thought and almost beat the hell outta you
- "What are you watching?! Why are you watching that?"
- She was very mad, although I wonder why

~Miu Iruma~
- It was the dead of night and your curiosity go the best of you
- You slid out of bed while your girlfriend was sleeping and crept into her office
- It's not that you weren't allowed in there, if anything you were welcome. But whenever you visited it while she was there you ended up testing some,,,, interesting things for her
- So you went in alone
- The room was simple, a rather large area filled with gadgets and paper, you had to close your eyes as you walked past a few things though, they held embarrassing memories.
- Still you managed to stumble into a box and a movie fell out, reaching around you picked up the case and turned on a light
- Fifty Shades Of Gray
- Of course Miu had something like this in her possession, the woman was a bit crazy when it came to these things after all
- You'd never watched the movie however, and decided to watch it the next day when she left for work
- You placed the movie under the bed and went back to bed, and woke up with an interesting surprise that morning
- Miu had seen the movie that lay hidden under the bed and she crawled ontop of you
- "Intrested in something? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" She smiled, showing the movie
- Y'all did something that morning
- Aka 👉              👌

~Tsumugi Shirogane~
- Your wife was a total weeb, she had every kind of anime and manga you could think of
- You've even found some 'interesting' ones on her shelf
- So you were pretty surprised when one day you found Fifty Shades Of Gray in her drawer
- She was never into live action movies, it was always Japanese cartoons or Korean shit
- (Cough* Stray Kids, SHINee, Day6)
- (My friend helped me with those ^^)
- Still you got curious and watched the movie on her TV
- "Why are you watching that? How'd you find it?"
- She spooked you when she spoke from behind you
- "Now you know what I like to read and watch, how embarrassing"

~Maki Harukawa~
- Your girlfriend was gone yet another night, she was usually gone at around this time anyway
- Doing god knows what, but you trusted her enough to know she wasn't cheating
- Still you were bored and nothing was on tv, until you saw the movie Fifty Shades Of Gray
- You'd be lying if you said you weren't curious about the movie, you heard it was rather intense
- But it seemed like a good way to pass the time, and so you watched it.
- Meanwhile Maki was off doing her assassination work and decided to check in on you, without her there to protect you who knows what might happen
- She peeked through a window and was relieved to see you were safe and sound, yet watching something inappropriate
- She turned bright red and left, she never knew you were into that kind of stuff, maybe she should try it

~Himiko Yumeno~
- Your lovely girlfriend was sleeping on your lap after the two of you watched some cartoons
- She was never big into adult themes, so cartoons where her favorite free time
- You carried her to your room and left to watch something more exciting
- Fifty Shades Of Gray was on, perfect
- No you weren't into any of that, but you needed something to remind you that you are indeed an adult
- Everything was perfectly fine until Himiko stumbled into the room and stared wide eyed at the tv
- "I just wanted to know why we weren't cuddling anymore but it's pretty obvious, nyeh your such a pervert"

I am finally going to start part two of Demon Queen Miu Iruma x Fem! Reader that so many of you have been waiting for!
Here is my hair because I just dyed it yesterday and thought it looked neat

------Announcement!I am finally going to start part two of Demon Queen Miu Iruma x Fem! Reader that so many of you have been waiting for!ANDHere is my hair because I just dyed it yesterday and thought it looked neat

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