10. When you hug them

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Requested by Kirbyfan123

- She loves hugs
- Very happy when you hug her
- "I love you so much Y/N"
- You two hug ALOT (whether u like hugs or not)
- Loves to rest her head on your shoulder

- You don't hug much
- She says she doesn't have time for hugs
- But in reality she immediately calms down if you hug her
- When you hug her she wont let go
- "A few more minutes Y/N, please?"

- She hugs you more than necessary
- Very affectionate
- Loves when you hug her
- "Nyahahha!"
- Hugs usually lead to cuddles

- Very flustered when you two hug
- Doesn't push you off (even if you're a boy)
- Shook
- "Y/N???"
- Loves it when you hug her

- More flustered than Tenko
- Thinks you're hot when you hug her
- Always ends up with you getting your face shoved in her breasts
- "Kyakakaka ya like what you see Y/N?"
- Secretly loves hugs

- Loves hug
- Very loving and holds you T I G H T
- (Idk what to add help)
- (uhh)
-(sorry smoogie fans)

- Loves it
- But always denies
- Flustered as hell
- "Do you...... Do you w-wanna die?!"
- Only allows it if she hugs you first

- Loves hugs
- Very happy when you hug her
- Will pull you to the ground no matter were you are to snuggle
- Hugs lead to snuggles and snuggles lead to naps
- Very needy and needs hugs every 2 hours

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