17. Miu x Fem!Reader (SPOILERS)

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We all knew it was coming. Miu is my bloody queen and I just need to write about it! Sorry for not writing, I got sucked up in the maze runner fandom and honestly Newtmas will be the death of me. Like I didn't know it was a thing, but now I can't STOP LIKE UGH.
But anyways this is a drv3 book, and SPOILERS. SPOILERS SPOILERS
Ok listen, this is an AU were the drv3 cast got the dr2 ending, everyone surviving and all that. Now bear with me here! I know Kokichi got the squishy, and Ryouma got the munchies... And Kork got the boilies, (tf is that even a word?) BUT PRETEND IT'S POSSIBLE! Oof I got no explanation for it so it will just be ignored. :P

Y/N- Your name
Y/T- Your talent


After successfully escaping the killing game four teens were whisked away in a limo. Confused, angry, sad, almost every emotion you could think of were in their minds.

Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective. Sat in the back, eyes brimming with hope.
Maki Harukawa, Ultimate Assassin. Anxiously fidgeting by a window.
Himiko Yumeno, Ultimate Magician. Lay on the seat undisturbed.
Y/N, Y/T. Watched the world from outside the window, her mind drifting.

"Hello! I'm Y/N, the ultimate Y/T." A girl had asked another, she was smiling. The other girl scoffed, "I don't really care."
"And you are?" Y/N pushed, slightly annoyed.

"You don't know who I am? Me? The gorgeous girl genius Miu Iruma! Ultimate Inventor?!"
Y/N sighed, such a large ego for one person.
Grabbing her hand, Y/N shook Miu's hand.
Who pulled away, "d-don't touch me!" She squirmed, suddenly getting timid?

The limo suddenly stopped, and the teens were taken away into a large building. After many long halls and elevator trips they came across a room. A heavily gaurded room, the door having an id scan. A guard swiped down, and it opened.
No explanation, just shoved in a room with 13 capsules. All paired up and against the walls.

Hesitantly Shuichi went first, stepping over to the first capsule. With a gasp he turned to the next, tears forming in his eyes. Curiously the rest joined, the air thick with confusion and worry.
Y/N peeked into the first, Rantaro Amami lay peacefully inside. A large bandage was covering the right side of his head, iv's littered his skin.

Next up was Kaede Akamatsu, the pianist was lightly bandaged on the neck. What was going on? Quickly moving on to the third, was Ryoma Hoshi. His mouth was covered with a breathing tube, and he aswell had a bandaged head. Kirumi Tojo, the mother figure who took care of them all was in a full body cast. Each broken bone tightly secured, her state was tragic.

Y/N quickly pushed to the next, now understanding what was happening.
Tenko Chabashira and Angie Yonaga side by side, necks bandaged and clean.
Korekiyo Shinguji was next, covered in cloth. Blisters of many sizes peeked from behind his bandages, but Y/N turned away in a daze.

Was she going to be next?

"Miu it isn't nice, the way you treat our classmates."
Y/N sat on her friends bed, staring at the ceiling.
"So what? I do what I damn want." Miu retorded, fiddling with something on her desk.

"But after today, you should stop. With Kirumi and Ryoma dead we all know that this is not fake. And I'm scared that your actions may feul someone too.... Target you."
The thought struck Y/N like a thorn, despite her ways Miu was such a good friend.

"Who the fūck would wanna kill me?! I'm perfect, and they all know it!" The blonde hissed, annoyed.
"I'm just worried ok? No need to get so fussy!" Y/N argued, making Miu flinch.

"N-No need to yell" she whined. A soft body suddenly rested against her back. Holding on tightly Y/N hugged her friend from behind, "I'm just, scared."

Her thoughts were correct. Miu Iruma lay perfectly in her own capsule, with a bandaged neck and breathing tube.

"I can't do this anymore! Monokuma needs to back the hell off!" Miu had screamed, yelling into her pillow.
Y/N rubbed circles on her back, blinking back tears.

"I hate this fūckin killing game, I hate that dumb aśś bear!" She sniffled, hugging Y/N for support. The other only hugged back, they both didn't know Angie, Tenko, or Kiyo that well. But it hurt, anyone could be next.

It went like that for another hour, the inventor had never really cried infront of someone so much. Or opened up so much, or even talk to. She was just a scared girl with a big persona, a girl with a scattered mind.

Y/N placed a hand on the glass capsule, seeing her other half breathing felt like a dream. "The last time I saw you... You were gone" she began to cry, sitting in a chair nearby.

What? They had all logged out, everything was dark. Ding dong ding "A body has been discovered!" No
Y/N practically threw her helmet off, turning to a sickening sight. Miu Iruma sat in her chair, helmet off clutching her neck. Her face was pale, eyes wide and streaming dry tears, it was horrific.

Jumping up she climbed onto her friends lap, grabbing the others face with her hands. So cold... "God dammit! Don't do this to me!" She cried, ugly sobs were everywhere.
"I told you, I told you that this might happen! Why didn't you l-listen!," everyone felt pity. Even Kokichi, the short boy clutched his scarf nervously.
So much shaking, and begging. So many tears and confessions.

A comforting hand, that was what rested on Y/N shoulder. Shuichi had given her a sad smile, they were all alive.
Himiko sat by Tenko and Angie, crying.
Maki aswell fought back tears, standing over Kaito.

Shaking, Y/N gently pulled off the goggles from her head. They belonged to Miu, everday since her death she had worn them. It was the only thing left of her, until now.

It was 6 months, 6 months till they finally awoke. They had all come 1 by 1, first it was Amami. Then Kaede, one a minute.
Y/N fiddled nervously, until the capsule with Miu opened, steam spilling into the air.

She held her breath, the other shooting up with wide eyes. Clutching her neck as if her strangulation just happened, "what?" Her voice was hoarse, hands shaking.
Y/N quickly pulled her friend into a tight hug,
"y-you idiot" she breathed.
"What happened.. Am I... Is Kokichi dead?" Miu sputtered, that's right. She had died trying to kill the little 'supreme leader.'

"No, y-you're alive. Everyone is a-alive" Y/N cried, staining the others shoulder with tears.
The two sat there for a few more moments,
"I died d-didn't I?"
"Yea" Y/N sighed, wiping some tears.
"I fūckin died! And it was that little bāstards fault!" Miu hissed, staring at Kokichi who just awoke and was talking with Shuichi.

This is what Y/N feared, anger.
A crash sounded through the room, Tenko held Kiyo by his bandages. A fist raised, Himiko trying to pull her off.
Miu stood up, legs wobbly and unstoppable.
"N-No!" Y/N spoke, holding the others hand.
"I bloody died, I fūcking died!" Miu cried, touching her neck yet again with her right hand.

This was rushed towards the end but that's because I was working on this for three days. ;-;

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