34. Framed

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L/F/C= Least favorite character
Not Edited❌

- She didn't believe it when all evidence pointed to you
- And you were thankful, because you didn't do it
- Still she voted for you, like everyone else
- The shock on their faces were priceless when they found out you weren't guilty
- All except L/F/C
- Keade cried, and apologized profusely
- "A-All evidence pointed to you-"
- It was ok though, now they would have to pay for their mistakes
- Just like you

- Kirumi was a bit hesitant with the evidence, she had found something that belonged to you at the crime scene, and she showed everyone
- The betrayal was evident in your face
- You didn't do it, but she still had the audacity to show everyone fake evidence
- That's when everyone decided to vote
- "I'm sorry Y/N"
- "I'm sorry too" is all you said when it was revealed you were not guilty
- L/F/C was revealed to be the killer, and even showed some pity for you
- "I-I-"
- "Fuck you Kirumi, you dragged yourself to your death"
- And with that you were all executed
- (I used big words are y'all proud)

- She stook with you through the trial
- "Atua says Y/N didn't do it!"
- Nobody believed her
- "I didn't do it guys I swear!"
- They still voted for you, except Angie
- You were happy she stayed by your side
- Everyone was shocked when you were found not guilty
- "Atua will accept you with open arms Y/N, everyone else will rot." She smiled
- You hugged as you were both dragged to your death

- She knew it wasn't you, you were both together during the murder
- Nobody believed her, I mean you too WERE dating. Of course she'd take your side
- She burst into tears when they voted
- And cried harder when Monokuma confirmed that you weren't the killer
- Everyone apologized, except L/F/C they were a dick
- You and Tenko hugged before your deaths
- "Thank you"

- What a shitstorm oh boy
- "No way this bitch did it!"
- Still all 'evidence' pointed to you
- And you gave up
- "Just give it up Iruma, they've already voted"
- And she grew angrier when you were proved innocent
- "Fuck you Pooichi! You were wrong! You too Cowmatsu!
- She confessed right then and there, and you shared those feelings
- L/F/C was confirmed guilty and got beaten up emotionally by your new girlfriend
- The two of you were executed together upon request (surprisingly)
- (I write too much Miu angst this needed some sort of happy ending-)

- She voted for you
- And she didn't apologize
- She was a huge ass about it, but felt bad when you were confirmed innocent
- "I thought- Oh no I'm so sorry!"
- You shunned her
- And you were both executed
- L/F/C just sat there
- "oh"
- (Again sorry, I wanted to do something non spoiler for Tsumugi but I came out empty handed)

- She was pissed when people voted you guilty
- And it got worse when you were Proven innocent
- "That's not fair! Don't kill them! Y/N didn't do anything!"
- Monokuma just executed you infront of her
- L/F/C was found guilty
- Maki killed them
- And then everyone died

- (I'm out of ideas-)
- She was sad
- "Monokuma play Despacito"
- He played country roads instead
- (I'm sorry-)

This was a repetitive chapter i'm sorry
Cries in gay

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