28. The Girls And PDA

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- Loves cuddling
- Holding hands, hugging, nudging, it's all very common
- Never gets too jealous
- But will make a scene
- A big scene

- Not a huge fan of physical contact
- But enjoys the occasional hug or cheek kiss
- Surprisingly quite jealous
- Often handles it in a calm matter
- Usually

- LOVES anything and everything
- Huge fan of cuddling and holding hands
- Very clingy
- Very jealous
- Very

- Oh goodness will never leave your side
- Like literally you can't get rid of her
- Gets jealous WAY to easily
- Got into a fight once
- You had to bail her out of jail

- Loves showing everyone that you are indeed her significant other
- Extremely clingy and touchy
- Always jealous and whiny
- Quite vulgar and will make people cry
- Don't mess she will attack

- Enjoys cuddles and any contact
- Not a huge fan of showing affection in public
- Pretty chill about jealousy
- Doesn't mind too much, once scared someone off pretending to be a sailor moon character
- Preach

- LOVES physical contact, but acts like she hates it
- Hates showing public affection
- Cuddles fluster her
- Jealousy is a big problem
- Almost killed someone

- A bit hesitant with physical contact unless she trusts you
- Loves kisses
- Doesn't have trouble with jealousy unless it involves contact
- Will hang on your shoulders and hiss
- Usually confuse any passing victims

This was short

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