38. Miu x Weak!Reader

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I'm a sucker for these type of chapters, I love Miu so much. 👏🏻
Y/N = Your name
Y/T = Your talent

Y/N wasn't the strongest, nor were they the calmest. But they were incredibly smart, and that's all a bully needs.

"Listen up nerd, I need an A on this assignment or else I'll get in trouble. Do me a solid and do it for me ok?" Y/N looked at the bully in shock, "s-sorry but I'm a bit busy-"
They were suddenly shoved up against the bathroom wall.
"I said I need an A, so do it for me nerd!" They asked with a bit more force. The persons friends suddenly entered the bathroom.
They stopped when they saw the scene, "ay don't have all the fun to yourself!"
And with that Y/N was beaten up in the unisex bathroom during lunch hours.


Miu was waiting at the lunch table with Y/N's group of friends. She watched the clock impatiently. Gosh darnit you'd been gone all hour, she decided to check on you. Sneaking a pass the inventor ran to the bathrooms. She would be lying if she said what she saw wasn't horrific. Y/N was laying on the bathroom ground covered in bruises, blood spilling from their nose and lip.

"Holy fucking shit" she mumbled, crouching down to inspect their wounds. Y/N was barely awake, eyes half closed and breathing hoarsely. "Miu?" They asked, the girl only nodded. "We need to get you to a nurse, stat."

And with that Miu put Y/N on her back and carried them to the infirmary piggyback style. Running across the halls in a new sense of panic. Why did she care so much, you were friends sure. But she was so perfect, and you were so,,, average. As soon as she made it to the nurses office with her special cargo the bell rang. Fuck she'd be late to chemistry, and her teacher was a bitch about attendance.

"Oh my goodness what happened?!" The nurse shrieked, watching Miu gently put her friend on the bed. "No clue, just walked into the bathroom and I see this." She did a hand gesture motioning to Y/N.
"Thank you for coming to me Ms. Iruma" the nurse stated, quickly tending to your wounds and bandaging you up.

"You can head to cla-"
"Hell no! I'm staying right here to make sure Y/N Is ok!" Miu nearly shouted, a new form of worry sat in her stomach. The nurse only nodded in a panic, calling up her teacher to know she shouldn't be marked absent.

After atleast a half an hour you woke up, tired and groggy. "Oh you're awake," the inventor stated, trying to conceal her excitement. "What ha- oh, yea. You brought me here didn't you?" They said, Miu only turned away in embarrassment. Y/N hugged her tightly, "thanks."

And with that Y/T and the inventor were released early, watching movies and TV until they both fell asleep in a bundle of covers.

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