20. Baking

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-It was her idea to bake from scratch
- And she wouldn't take no for an answer
- So you both put on aprons and looked up a google recipe for brownies
- "This one! It have everything it needs!"
- She did must of the work as you read the directions
- After putting it in the oven, the two of you cleaned up
- "How long did the recipe say to cook?"
- "I dunno, 20 minutes?"
- "I put it for an hour"

- She invited you over to try some cookies she made
- And you asked her how it was done
- You watched in awe as she made a fresh batch
- But you accidentally slipped and spilled flour all over the floor
- (。ì _ í。)
- "Really?"
- She scolded you, but laughed a bit
- You helped her clean up, and you weren't allowed to eat anymore cookies that day

- Cake decorating!
- The two of you were covered in frosting, putting sprinkles and chocolates on two separate cakes
- Yours looked like a ginger bread house
- "Nyahahaha! Absolutely divine Y/N~Chan!"
- She showed you hers, it was a peacock
- "What do you think?"
- (・_・)
- She only smiled and patted you on the head
- "C'mon we still have more to do!~"

- You were trying to teach her how to make bread
- "Simply knead the bread until it isn't sticky anymore"
- She then proceeded to beat it up
- Damaging your counter, and breaking the cutting board
- "I'm so sorry! I didn't know what came over me!"
- You decided to give up and eat microwave noodles together

- She loved baking
- And making a pie was a great idea
- Until you noticed her secret
- She like to put parts of her into her food, like hair
- "I just wanna be in your-"
- You had to stumble away and make her sit on the couch
- "No"
- You baked without her, as she watched cake wars.
- After it was finished she managed to complement you
- I'd call that a win

- It surprised you when she told you her secret hobby
- Baking, she was absolutely great at it
- You watched her make a cheese cake, in which she insisted you didn't mess up.
- While she was busy you explored the kitchen
- So many sweets!
- You were about to take a bite out of a cake pop before she snatched it put of your hands
- "Don't eat that? It's for an anime convention!"
- You just noticed it had Japanese words and characters
- Oops

- Her dislike for baking was almost as strong as her hatred for the color pink.
- She loved sweets, but the process of making it was simply too much.
- So in order to get her into the spirit, you cracked and egg on her head
- Big mistake
- She took a handful of eggs and threw them at you, each one hitting you square in the chest
- The two of you played dodge ball with them for awhile, until the carton was empty.
- "I really hate you"
- She was giggling

- Cutest baker ever!
- Uses her magic to help pour the ingredients
- "A tablespoon of sugar!"
- "Times 10"
- Who knew she had such a sweet tooth?
- You made cookies with her
- And honestly they turned out pretty bad
- But she seemed to enjoy them, so that's all that matters
- Although she was sick the next day...
- Oops?

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