50. Her final goodbye (END)

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-Kaede Akamatsu-
• Times were busy, she had plans for the future. She wanted to move on, she needed to.
• Although she'll miss the times the two of you spent together, this was for the best.
• "Y/N, after two long years I've been with you, and I don't regret a single thing. I love you, and appreciate everything you've done to support me. However I have a goal, an ambition, and after some thinking I've decided to move on."
• She was crying, but with a smile on her face.
• "Thank you Y/N for always being for me, I will never forget you."
• "I love you."

-Kirumi Tojo-
• Her job was fulfilled, as a maid, she was done. She accomplished the one thing she needed most,for you to be happy.
• As everything must come to an end, she had finished.
• "Y/N, the times we've spent together have been the best in my life. And i wish you well in your future. As I, Kirumi Tojo, must move on to something bigger. This does not mean i think of you any less, but rather, appreciate you for everything you've done for me. And i for you. I wish you the best love."
• She was crying, aswell as you, but she was smiling.
• "Farewell"

-Angie Yonaga-
• Angie heard a calling, she was meant to go back home to her island. Back to her roots, back to what she was originally here to do.
• "Y/N..."
• You were surprised she didn't use any honorifics.
• "I have, to go. Atua is calling me back, and I must fulfill his wishes. I don't want to say goodbye, because maybe one day we will meet again. Under the sun, on a beach, the ocean clear and blue beside us."
• She was smiling bright, tears threatening to escape from her eyes.
• "This isn't a goodbye, but rather a see you later."
• "I love you Y/N."

-Tenko Chabashira-
• Tears, tears were on her face, her shirt, her hair. Just, everywhere.
• She had to leave, where? She didn't know, but knew that a bigger destiny awaited her. Somewhere.
• "Y/N, I, I love you so much."
• It seemed like she didn't want to say goodbye.
• "You've been the light of my life, for so many days, months. I can't express how much I love you. I must go, far away, for the sake of myself. I will never, ever, forget you, or what you've given me."
• She hugged you tightly.
• "Goodbye"

-Miu Iruma-
• The day had come, the day she feared.
• Her inventions, her skills, were needed outside the realm of your city. And nobody how hard she wished to communicate over long distance, Miu knew it wouldn't work.
• "Y/N, we've been together for almost two years now. You've been the loyalist partner I've had in a long time. And for that, I thank you."
• Her lack of profanities, and serious tone made the situation even more real.
• "Don't forget about me alright?"
• Tears fell down her cheeks.
• "Goodbye, I-I'll fuckin miss you."

-Tsumugi Shirogane-
• Life, time, it was all happening so fast.
• She was nothing, a boring, bland girl with a hobby for cosplay. And yet you chose her, you fell in love with her. Something she figured nobody would ever do.
• "Y/N, you're everything to me, the hope to my despair, the liveliness of my existence. But I must go, I have a destiny, and I must fulfill it."
• It was short, but sweet. Her words drowned out with sad eyes and a shaky smile.
• "Please, let us cosplay again together one day. I love you."

-Maki Harukawa-
• She was never good at goodbyes, but felt as though this was more important then leaving a note and disappearing.
• "Y/N, nobody has ever made me feel the way you do. And I'm so, so scared I'm going to lose it. But, this is what I'm meant to do, travel, do jobs. I, I have to leave. And you may never see me, or hear me again. But don't forget that I will always protect you, whether it be years, or months from now."
• She was crying, a rare sight.
• "I love you too much to say goodbye."

-Himiko Yumeno-
• New opportunities, new potential. Himiko had to move, move to a place where her talent could become stronger, better. The future she always wanted.
• "Y/N, you're the one who made me realized that life is worth staying awake for, and that everything, even the bad, is sacred and worthy. I know i don't say a lot of big words often, but I was practicing this earlier."
• The train pulled up, and she held your hand tightly.
• "I love you Y/N."

Is this the end? I'm afraid so. I apologize for making this chapter so short, I don't know how to say goodbye very well.
I've been on this account for 4 years, and this book 2. It's crazy how time flies, and however much I love Danganronpa. I have the urge to move on, to try something different.
I want to move on, make a new account, get myself motivated again. Write out the many story lines I have tucked away in my notes, explore the ideas I've had for years.

And so, I'm leaving, not this app. But rather this account, one day I'll probably come back here and look out at all the memories. The books that have been deleted, re-made, and edited. The books that I regret washing away.
Words cannot describe how thankfull I am of everyone here who has supported me, and made 500+ followers, and over 84K reads possible on this dumb little book I made. Purely because I'm gay and needed that Danganronpa girl love.

I will forever remember all of you, and maybe, we will meet again. But you just won't know it, as I'd take on a new journey, a new account. A new future. ♥️

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