23. Himiko x (Non specified)! Reader

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Highschool AU

I was really debating whether or not doing another Miu oneshot but I figured people would get bored of my constant gushing over her. So let's pull out a Himiko chapter!
Not edited ❌

Without a doubt you were extremely worried when your friend passed out in class at her desk. A common occurrence ever since you went to a valentine party with Kaede.
She simply had no one to take her so you volunteered to accompany her.
But ever since that night Himiko would fall asleep in the middle of class, a deep sleep as if she hadn't slept in weeks.

Sure she often took naps during the school day, but never this severe.
You raised your hand right as the teacher made eye contact with you.
"Yes Y/N?" Asked Mrs. Usami as she adjusted her soft pink outfit and red glasses.

"May I take Himiko to the nurses office? She passed out... Again." It'd gotten so common ever your class started to notice.
"Is Himiko ok? Should I come with?" Your other classmate Tenko shouted standing up from her chair.

"No Tenko Y/N can take her, just tell the nurse to report back to me afterwards." Mrs. Usami stated sweetly, offering you a hall pass as you lifted your friend out of her seat.
She was lighter than usual, and you had no problem hauling her out of the classroom.


You sat next to the bed worriedly, Himiko hadn't woken up yet. Mikan, the school nurse said she had passed out. Probably because of lack of sleep, aka being exhausted.

"Y/N?" A groggy voice spoke from under your jacket, she sat up rubbing her eyes. You'd given your jacket to her so she'd have a more comfortable rest, it was cold in the room after all.
"Himiko your all right! You had everyone worried!" You spoke, hugging her gently as if she was a fragile flower.

"Hngg I wish you would stop worrying about me like that, your giving me false hope!" She mumbled, yawning loudly.
"Of course I worry about you, your my fri-"
"Don't say that word, it's cursed. And my magic cannot expell the evil away from it."

Suddenly she wiped away a small tear, forcing you to become even more worried.
"What word? Friend? Why?"

"I don't wanna be friends anymore Y/N, even after you started dating Kaede."
"Dating Kaede? What are you talking about?"
"Nyeh you took her to the valentine party duh."

You frowned, Kaede was a good friend. Nothing more or less, this little mage however..
"I'm not dating her Himiko, she simply had no one to go with. Are you jealous?"
She puffed out her cheeks a bit, "I.. Maybe."

"Awww" you hugged her tighter this time,
"you totally were! *gasp* do you have a crush on me?"
She buried her face into your shoulder like a cat, purring when you patted her head.

"Oh Himiko you silly little mage, I love you too."

I got lazy and just blah

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