26. Miu x (Unspecified)! Reader (SPOILERS!!)

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This is an Au where Miu successfully killed Ouma and gets found out by the group. You and best girl are dating in this.

Mild gore :)

"The culprit is you, Miu Iruma the ultimate Inventor!"
You couldn't believe it, everything Shuichi said was a lie. It had to be, no matter the evidence. No matter the facts, she would NEVER leave you, right?

"Miu?" You asked, looking at your girlfriend with pleading eyes. "You're innocent right?"
She only adverted her gaze, and sighed.
"Pooichi you must be really smart for a virgin to break down my amazing plan, it was fool proof."

She put a hand to her head, "how fuckin lame is that?"
You spoke louder "tell him your innocent! I know you didn't do it!"

"I-I'm" the blonde tried to put on a brave face, but it was slipping.
"He deserved it! That little cock sucker needed to go! I need to leave!"
Tears clouded your eyes as you cried in alarm, "even if it ment killing me too?"

Miu's eyes widened, "the world needs me Y/N, I-I had to t-try."
"You don't care about me do you"
"I do! Don't say that!"
"Prove it!"

You started to sob, was it all a lie? Your girlfriend ran over and hugged you, "don't say that!" She snapped.
"Monokuma made a deal with me that if I killed I could take you along." She whispered, "I was willing to take that chance."

"Puhuhuhu how interesting, I love drama!"
Monokuma laughed, bouncing up and down in excitement.
It dawned on you, everyone would vote for her. She'd die, and you'd never see her again.

Anxiety turned in your stomach as you breathed rapidly, "w-wait don't, don't leave me!"
You suddenly couldn't breath or see, everything was cold as you griped onto your partner for support.

She hugged back comfortingly, taking off her mask willingly in public for once.
"Shh it's ok Y/N, I'm here."
You nuzzled into her chest when she turned to stare at your other classmates.
"What you looking at you bitches! Fuck off!" And she put it back on..

Everyone hated Miu, but in this moment everyone grew sorrow. Maybe it was because you'd be alone, or maybe because Miu was actually being a decent human being for once.

"Let's give it everything we got!"

"Wait don't go! I love you!"

"It's punishment time!"

"I love you too"

And with that she was ripped from your grasp and Gonta had to hold you back from chasing after her.
"Let me go! Let me help her!" You screamed, kicking a flailing. It was no use.


Miu was in a huge long hallway with a floor of moving gears, at the end was you. Stuck behind a metal gate, you tried desperately to push it open.
"The only way to live is too make it across, puhuhu."

Daringly the inventor put a foot on a gear, it began to move towards the other in lightning speeds. She jumped back, thank god.
But a large ball caught your attention, It was getting closer, and closer... It would hit her!

"Watch out!" You yelled, watching your girlfriend sprint across the gears with a clank.
The first one was fine, the second crushed her ankle as she screamed in agony, ripping it away she crawled further. She was going to slowly lose every limb, no...

She moved a hand onto another gear as it sucked it up aswell, sucking in her arm and shoulder. You could hear bone crushing and screaming louder now.

"Stop it! You're hurting her stop!"
The ball grew closer as your girlfriend had her other leg crushed in another gear. She was trapped. "No!" You rattled the gate so hard it almost fell down, almost.
Your girlfriend was ripped in half as the two sides of her body were crushed through the gears, tears falling to the floor you screamed. You'd never screamed so loud before, but it was blood curling.

You fell to the floor in despair, on your knees as you covered your ears and shut your eyes. The image wouldn't leave, it would never leave.

I always imagined her execution like this, being crushed in a grinder slowly peice by peice. Brutal but interesting, RIP MY QUEEN THANK GOD IT WAS JUST STRANGULATION/SHOCK 🙌🏻

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