4. Under the mistletoe

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You leaned on the doorway to the kitchen, watching your friends celebrate Christmas. "Aren't you excited?" A female voice asked, turning around you saw Kaede Akamatsu. You nodded slightly, unaware of her next move. She pointed upwards and your gaze landed on a hanging mistletoe, you blushed as she smiled. "Merry Christmas" she whispered as she kissed you.

"Let me help" you sighed, piling the dishes into the sink. "No need" your friend Kirumi stated firmly, taking your hand she pushed it away gently. Your friend group was having a Christmas party and everyone was done eating, and Kirumi being the maid she is decided to clean alone. You sighed before, noticing a little mistletoe hanging from the ceiling. "Kirumi look" you stated, watching her gaze settle on the little decoration. She smiled before kissing you on the cheek, "can I get back to the dishes now?"

Angie was hosting a Christmas party for your friend group, and honestly it was wild. Ouma was trying to shove Kiibo into the Christmas tree, and everyone else was cheering him on. "Why isn't Y/N~Chan joining in?" Angie asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. You shrugged, most likely because they were all drunk and you hated alcohol and like the rest were under aged. "Well Atua told me a way to get ya in the Christmas spirit!" She said cheerily, pulling out a mistletoe from her pocket. You blushed as she hung it between you two, without hesitation she had kissed you.

You were sitting on the couch lazily resting on a pillow. All your friends were partying and celebrating Christmas by hooking up, it was a little weird. "H-Hey Y/N since everyone is... You know getting together I brought this" Tenko one of your very close friends stuttered, pulling out a mistletoe. You both blushed, carefully you kissed her cheek and she froze. Going in a defensive pose she yelled "any degenerate who touches Y/N will be killed!" And with that she kissed you on the lips.

It was very late, and you were at a Christmas party your friends hosted. Most of them were passed out or getting close to, which made you worry for their wellbeing. "Such losers not being able to handle some alcohol" Miu sighed, sitting next to you with her legs crossed. You blinked, I mean you were all under aged so what was she expecting? "Ya know, since this is a party...." She pointed to herself, "kiss me!" You blushed deeply as you noticed she was drunk, "Well... Hmph!" She kissed you passionately, so fast you didn't see the mistletoe above you.

"It's great!" You cheered, seeing your friend Tsumugi modeling a Christmas dress she had made. "Thanks" she blushed, looking at her work in the mirror. "I don't like it though since I'm not pretending to be a character... But oh well" she sighed. "I have something to cheer you up!" You smiled, pointing to the mistletoe above you to. "Merry Christmas Tsmoogi!" And with that you kissed her, happy to finally find the right moment.

Your dear friend Harumaki was gazing out the window, watching the snow storm outside. "Isn't the storm pretty?" You asked, pointing out how the snowflakes looked like little specks of glitter. She nodded, adjusting the scarf on her neck. She never talked much, but you loved her nonetheless. "Thank you for being such a good friend" she had blurted, catching you off gaurd. "I've never had a friend so...... So caring" she sniffled as of reading your thoughts. You smiled, before kissing her cheek "Thank you Maki" you whispered, watching the dangling mistletoe above your heads.

You watched your friends exchange gifts around the Christmas tree. Your eyes full of joy as you received many wonderful presents, however your friend spoke up. "Y/N can you follow me?" It was Himiko, your best friend. You nodded, standing up before bounding over to her were she stood under a mistletoe. "I forgot a present...." She mumbled before stepping on her tiptoes to give you a kiss. When you finished she smiled "so I will give you that instead" she lazily stretched, a little grin on her face.

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