19. Locked In The Attic Part 2. Kirumi

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Dangankirbyfan I hate my life oh my Monokuma I'm so sorry! Totally forgot about it! I literally have no excuse beside being too lazy and being busy with other things. Aka Fanfictions, Jurassic World Evolution, Sims, Fr, ect.

This is easily one of my least favorite chapters in the book. Please excuse it's messiness.


This is an AU where you and the 16 Students all live in one big dorm. You noticed Kirumi going into the attic to clean, and decided to help her out.

Y/N hated cleaning, they despised it. Whether it was cleaning their room or washing the dishes, they hated it. The only time they tolerated it was whenever Kirumi needed the help. The maid roomate was always taking care of her 16 'children', and was just too kind.

So when you spotted her climbing up the attaic stairs with a broom you just had to follow suite. As Y/N climbed the latter behind the girl, they saw a shadow in the distance.

"Y\N? Why are you here?" Kirumi had asked, her tone formal and friendly.
"I saw that you where gonna clean up here, and I thought I'd help" you responded, scratching the back of your neck.

The maid smiled, and turned back around. Picking up an old box of CDs.

•Hour 1•

You sighed, your hands were sweaty. Your back was sore, and you just wanted to eat some spaghetti. (I'm so sorry)
This is why you hated cleaning, it was boring.
Kirumi noticed your struggle and took the broom from your arms, hands touching yours for just a moment.

The room was halfway done, every inch of dust gone ane every cobweb sweeped.
Y/N mostly watched from the couch, admiring the maid. It was no secret they had a crush on her, everyone in the dorm seemed to know. Well except Kirumi, nobody dared to tell her.

Despite the teasing and close calls, they respected your privacy. It was odd, even Ouma was silent.
You smiled and day dreamed, forgetting about everything.

•Hour 2•

With the attic clean, Kirumi picked up her broom and made her way to the door. With grace in every step, so stunning an-
"Oh dear, it appears that the exit is closed. Seems like we're going to be here a while" she said, dusting off her dress.

Y/N snapped back into reality, "what?"
The maid only sighed and joined her friend on the couch.

•Hour 3•

Your gaze was met with an ecstatic face. Her eyes lit with pure joy as she pulled out a record player.
Y/N tilted their head, confused when an old timey sounding song came on.

"What- Woah!" You cried, being whisked from your chair onto the floor. Kirumi only grabbed your heand, "care to dance?"

It was clumsy and akward at first, Y/N was horridly out of rhythm. But in the arms of the maid they straightened out. The two dancing in perfect sync.

•Hour 4•

You sat on the floor with your knees to your chest. You were still stuck, and still bored.
A gentle hand was placed onto Y/N's shoulder and a figure sat next to them.

"Forgive me if this is inappropriate, but would you mind if I held your hand?"

You blinked in surprise, but entwined fingers.
"You know you can be honest with me right? I'll never stop serving you" she whispered.
Y/N looked into the girls eyes, "I... I know."
"Then why must you hide your feelings?"

Your stomach dropped, some how she knew about your crush. "I-" a soft kiss on your cheek cut you short.
"There is no need to be afraid, even maid's fall in love."

The two of you spent an entire hour talking, before Kirumi admitted to keeping you in. She explained how she got Tenko to close the door, and how it really wasn't locked.
You left the attic with her and had a peaceful night, drinking tea and sharing dreams.


Oof I hate this chapter, horrible pov switching and timing. Oh well, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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