Memes/Vines 0.2 (Now with more!)

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Male Reader: Look at these cute pens I found
Male Miu: Y/N that's gay
Male Reader: ......
Male Reader: We've been dating-
Angie: Hey you
Reader: Me?
Angie: Yes you
Angie: I wanna eat your ass *open umbrella*
Miu: Take it away Y/N
Reader: *Screams*
Maki to Ouma: I will rip your fuckin face off bitch
Reader: What did he do?
Maki: Cause he fuckin pushed me!
Reader: *Pours apple juice on ground*
Kirumi: Oh my god
Reader: *Dumps whole thing*
Reader watching movie: Yas bitch yas
Kaede: What-
Reader: No bitch no
Himiko: *Sleeping*
Reader: *Pours water*
Himiko: *Wakes up*
Reader: HeLlO?
Tenko: I don't feel like driving *takes hand off steering wheel*
Reader: Oh my god
Reader: It's a butterfly Maki
Maki: *Kills it*
Reader: MAKI nO
Miu: My DiCc FeLl OfF
Reader: Daddy?
Miu: Do I lOoK-
Reader: Why are you watching that?
Tsumugi: *Watching some gay shipping video* DON'T TELL MoM

It's 3:40AM, and I'm doing this.
Honestly why am I like this

Edit: I just realized at the beginning of this book I censored out swear words. Like f*ck. Now here I am saying every word in the swear alphabet,


Tenko: I'm a lesbian
Reader: I thought you were American?
Angie: *Bursts bathroom door open*
Hi welcome to chili's
Reader: *Blows smoke into air*
Miu: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Wow
Miu: *To reader* I love you bitch, never gonna stop loving you. BITCH
Miu: So I'm sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties
Reader: *Dies laughing*
Reader: *Scares*
Tsumugi: Stooooop I could've dropped my croissant

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