24. Maki x Fem! Reader

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College AU
Not edited ❌

Every time you tried to get your girlfriends attention she was always busy. Whether it was her part time job or school work, she never had enough time for you.

Considering you were still job searching and did all your homework early you had nothing to do on breaks or weekends. You'd clean the house, maybe make a meal that would go cold and untouched by your lover until late.
Every once in a while you'd reread a few books or watch anything on tv.

Today was no different, you organized the bookshelf and vacuumed the rug, you dusted the shelves and did the dishes. This time however you were having extra difficulty, it was that time of the month.
All you wanted was love, a cuddle or hug to be exact.
And your wish appeared to come true and your girlfriend Maki came through the door.

"You're home early!" You smiled, wiping the tiredness from your eyes as you sat up.
She only gave a nod in acknowledgement before setting a text book down on the table.

"Maki let's cuddle, you're never around anymore." She rolled her eyes and turned back to you, "I'm always busy you know that."

"Yea but I miss you"
"I always cuddle with you in bed when I come home."
"But I'm always asleep at that time!"
This argument was going nowhere,
"But I'm on my period."

She hesitantly stood up and joined you on the couch, it was little moments like this you knew she truly loved you.
Youd laid down on her lap and admired her facial features, she smiled softly.
Just now did you realize the bags under her eyes and her pale complexion, paler than normal.

You hummed and closed your eyes, "let's watch a movie."
She blinked before nodding, slowly playing with your hair as she flipped through the channels.
It was some old romance movie that was in black and white.
You sat in silence the whole time, it wasn't boring but rather relaxing. Maki fell asleep shortly before the film ended, and you had to drag her to bed. It was such a deep sleep you were sure it was the first real nap she'd had in days.

You lifted her body up with great difficulty, but was able to snuggle her up into bed. You shut off the lights and crawled in right next to her, smiling at how happy your girlfriend looked in those final moments before you fell asleep.

This was super short but I'm really proud of it.

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