22. First Date!

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I may or may have not been ignoring Wattpad for the past month. Completely forgot about everything even after I came home from my trip. Oops. But I'm back! And forcing myself to catch up with everything I've missed! Only a total of 59 notifications T-T

- For your first date she takes you out to a coffee shop
- It's the middle of winter, and a new café just opened across the street from your college
- She's extremely polite and generous
- Buys everything for you
- "I just want today to be as perfect as a Beethoven melody"
- (Had to do a few seconds of research for that one, oh boy)
- Overall very calming and peaceful

- For your first date she takes you to a VERY fancy restaurant
- How she could afford it nobody knows
(Probably because of her motive video occupation or smth)
- Buys everything for you along with being extremely formal
- Honestly a bit boring
- "I'm sorry if I bored you tonight Y/N, I only wish to impress you"
- Overall the date was very formal and mature

- Takes you to Cedar Point for your first date!
(Is that how you spell it? (-_-;)
- Buys over 50 pounds of cotton candy
- And wins many stuft animals for you at the carnival games (carnival games? Fair games??)
- You ride the biggest and scariest rollarcoaster in the park
- You feel like crap but she seems to be happier than ever, even after eating all that candy right before the ride.
- "Nyahahaha! Isn't this so exciting?"
- Date rating 10/10 on the fun scale

- A bit new to the fact of dating so she takes you to a restaurant
- Claims it's because that's what the movies do
- Quite flustered and embarresed
- Everything was fine until the waiter accidentally spilled your drinks all over you
- Tenko beat the shit out of him :)
- And you had to spend the rest of the day talking to the police
- "He was looking at you the wrong way too! Nobody will treat Y/N with such disrespect!"
- Date rating 10/10 on the eventful side

- You decided to take her to the arcade
- In which she was very opposed to doing
- "An arcade? Are we fuckin five?"
- She was very embarresed for the first half, but soon became addicted
- Barely even spoke to you, only to ask for more tokens
- Hacked all the games, giving her ungodly amounts of tickets
- She buys the biggest stuft animal prize the store had
- Gives it to you because 'she thought it was lame'
- The date was very stressful, but 10/10 because it's Miu flippin Iruma (totally not biased 0.0)

- You watch a movie for your first date!
- A horror one to be exact, in which you had to convince her instead of watching the new carebears movie.
- Big mistake, you were mortified
- But so was she
- "Holy anime titties this is horrible!"
- Almost strangled you after a jumpscare
- "How could you take me to such a horrific film!? (⑉꒦ິ^꒦ິ⑉)"
- Date was spooky, she almost killed you

- For your first date you went to the gym
- Only because she refused to miss her daily visit for some 'date'
- You were pretty much a puddle of sweat the whole day trying to keep up with her
- "It's not that hard Y/N! Now come one give me 10!"
- Hell for you, enjoyable for her
- Atleast she was willing to buy you snacks afterwards
- Rating of 7/10 purely for the snacks

- She decided on a classic picnic date
- In which she had Tenko pack everything
- Like letters of telling you to treat her right and a series of small contracts.
- The date was going well until it started to rain
- And you had to give Himiko your jacket like those cliche romance movies
- It was a good time

(May have given up half way through. Oops

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