49. Waking up and sleeping in

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I'm alive.

There's no promise I'll be here for long, but tonight I promised myself to crank out a few updates

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There's no promise I'll be here for long, but tonight I promised myself to crank out a few updates. I've been gone for quite a while eh?
I'll try really hard this week to bring this back up, but I'm not good at keeping promises. And for whoever has a request! I've been stuck on one for a month so please be patient, thank you!

~Kaede Akamatsu~
- Kaede is a morning person, she's an early bird. The day is only so long after all.
- Of course she doesn't mind sleeping in a few hours on weekends. But that's almost everyone right?
- So when you wanted to sleep in one Saturday morning Kaede was more than willing!
- She's a very touchy person, and is always hugging you close when the sun rises.
- However, after a good hour or so she'll drag you out of bed to start the day.
- But! Sometimes she'll be so exhausted sleeping in is the best option.
- And oh boy is she a pain
- On these days she's very clingy, and refuses for you to get up without her.
- If you're lucky you won't miss anything important, but most of the time? You're late.

~Kirumi Tojo~
- Similar to Kaede, Kirumi is a morning person. Always up at the crack of dawn.
- She's quick to wake up, and get ready. It's honestly quite fascinating.
- Sleeping in is forbidden, which sucks for you because she'll drag you up with her.
- Sometimes, just sometimes of course if you look exceptionally comfortable she'll let you sleep in.
- So don't be surprised when you wake up and she is nowhere to be found.
- She's only slept in with you once, and that was purely because you refused to let go of her.
- Despite her professional manner, she is a softie for cuddles and hugs. So she's weak to you.
- The moment only lasted 30 minutes, but she looked cute nonetheless.
- "Ok that's enough, let us get up now."

~Angie Yonaga~
- Angie loves sleeping in
- It's no suprise
- As a very clingy person by default, she'll drag you to stay with her.
- So being late is quite commom
- Shell pin you down with her body and fall asleep on top of you, looking so cute it would be a crime to wake her up. Similar to a cat.
- On days she does like to get up early however, she also drags you up with her.
- She's like conjoined at the hip with you, she gets up? You have to too. She sleeps in? So do you.
- Whenever you want to sleep in she's a bit pouty that she can't force you into submission.
- But still takes advantage of it nonetheless.
- "Nyaaaaa~"

~Tenko Chabashira~
- She is an early person when sleeping alone.
- Up and ready before you can even blink, she likes to exercise in the morning after all.
- However, when waking up with someone she loves, that's another story.
- Despite being awkward as can be, she'll have a death grip on you.
- Tenko is a very clingy person with whoever she loves.
- So if she wants to sleep in, you are sleeping in aswell.
- Cuddles, nuzzling, all that is in the Tenko package.
- Although if she has a busy day and has to get up early, she won't wake you up. Rather admire you.
- And still becomes late anyways, but that's another story.

~Miu Iruma~
- Oh boy is she a story when it comes to waking up.
- Unlike most of the other girls, she doesn't like to get up early. Her usual waking time is around 9-12am.
- But similar to most others, she is very clingy when asleep. So if you let her cuddle you, you aren't going anywhere without her waking up and letting you go herself.
- And even then she doesn't let you go half the time, mumbling about how special it must be to wake up with such a beautiful genius everyday.
- Of course however, if you're in a hurry. She'll let you go of you ask nice enough.
- Don't expect getting home to be a quiet time though.
- However on the days she wakes up early and has an amazing idea, you just have to hear it.
- So sometimes early morning you're half awake with an eccentric woman talking your ear off.
- But I mean, can you really complain?

~Tsumugi Shirogane-
- Now unlike what you would think, Tsumugi actually goes to sleep very late, and wakes up very early.
- Although her sleeping pattern is usually irregular, she tends to wake up before you.
- And simply kisses your cheek and goes on to do whatever she needs to do, (which is usually going to an early sale at the comic book store, or watch a specific anime that airs super early.)
- Yet, when nothing in particular is going on she'll sneak right next to you and sleep in.
- Not a big cuddler, but enjoys back to back, or leg/hand touching.
- Definetly not the most interesting, but is great for just a daily domestic life style.
- Who wouldn't want to wake up early morning with the love of your life?

~Maki Harukawa~
- Growing up in an orphanage, she is very accustomed to sharing a bed with someone. And even more if they are very cuddly.
- Although she doesn't really like contact, as it makes her a bit uncomfortable, she'll let you rest your head on her shoulder or stomach when asleep.
- She gets up very early, very quietly too. So it isn't much of a problem with you hugging on to her tight preventing her from moving.
- Depending on her mood she'll either let you hold her for a few minutes, or swiftly escape your grip.
- There is only one instance of her sleeping in and cuddling you.
- But still, you appreciate her efforts to keep you comfortable when sleeping.

~Himiko Yumeno~
- We all know Himiko, and we all know her sleeping patterns.
- Sleeping in, being very clingy and cuddly.
- However there is one thing special about her keeping you in bed in the morning. Her use of the sheets and blankets.
- She moves a lot in her sleep, and someone strategically wraps the blankets and sheets around your legs in her sleep.
- So when you wake up, you can't move. And she gets to cuddle with you a little bit longer.
- In terms of you wanting to sleep in, nothing really changes. But she does like when you get clingy.
- Of course, who's to say.

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