11. How They Cheer You Up

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Requested by Kirbyfan123

Scenario: You're sad about.... Something

- Cuddles 24/7
- Hugs and hugs
- "It's ok Y/N! You'll feel much better after I play your favorite song!"
- Plays favorite song on the piano
- You eventually start singing with her
- 👌🏼

- You think she would be comforting as you cry into your pillow
- Harshly pulls the covers off your bed
- "Y/N! Stop moping around, you need to homework!"
- Apologizes afterwards
- Makes tea as a sorry gift

- Cuddles + hugs all day
- Bakes cupcakes
- "Atua show me a sign on how to make Y/N feel better!"
- Some light shines on her art supplies
- "Of course!"
- Face painting!
- You end up smiling after shes done
- You look like shrek

- Sh00K
- "Why are you sad Y/N? Did a male hurt you? Did someone die? WHAT'S WRONG"
- Starts to cry
- Cuddles
- Seeing her sad made you stop crying
- You can't make her cry too!
- You take her out for icecream

- "Can ya stop with the crying? It's as annoying as a f@ckin screaming baby"
- Slowly asks whats wrong
- "Why tf are you crying?"
- Tries to be nice but fails
- Gives up and just smushes your face into her chest
- Somehow you aren't sad anymore...

- (I still don't know what to put)
- Makes and feeds you oatmeal (???)
- Kisses (Is this true to her character?)
- 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
- (Crap)
- Sews you a stuffed animal
- Makes a hundred more stuffed animals!

- Feels sad
- "Who did this? Why are you crying?"
- Sounds angry
- But hugs you awkwardly
- Doesn't know how to comfort you
- "hmmmm"
- (?????????)

- Shocked
- "I would put a happy spell on you but my mana is low...."
- Performs a magic show
- Doves fly out of her hat
- You struggle to capture them and release them outside
- Himiko apologizes but it somehow made you happy

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