18. Saving You From Being Murdered

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This was requested a while ago by

Sorry for being late

- She was talking to you in the library
- Right next to one of the bookshelves
- Suddenly she saw a large metal ball fall from the ceiling, directly above you.
- "Y/N look out!"
- She pushed you out of the way, landing atop you
- "T-Thanks" you stated
- She smiled but glanced nervously behind her, what had happened?

- You had decided to help Kirumi with the dishes
- She had done so much for you and the other students after all
- You were scrubbing some plates when suddenly a knife whizzed passed your head.
- Only an inch away
- With a shakey hand you whipped around
- And another was headed straight for your face
- But Kirumi grabbed it in mid air
- "Don't touch them"

- The two of you were having a tea party in her Research Lab
- It was her idea, not yours
- "How does Y/N-Chan like the tea? I made it myself"
- You chatted with her for over an hour
- "I have to go soon, the nighttime announcement will turn on any second now"
- She had only smiled and waved
- But when you stepped out the door you tripped on some sort of rope. An axe placed directly below you
- You let out a startled gasp, but somebody had grabbed your shirt. She had saved you

- You were both in the pool area
- Right on the ledge, talking about yourselves
- Nobody noticed that a figure was coming closer from under the water
- With a sudden movement you were pulled under
- The hand clasped a heavy ball to your ankle, sinking you!
- Tenko rushed to save you, punching your attacker
- You flailed your arms, dragged to the bottom
- Tenko with impressive strength grabbed your hand, and pulled you to the surface

- It was early morning, on your way to breakfast
- Nobody was around, and you were just admiring some of the flowers
- But something wasn't right, it felt as if you were being watched
- "Oi! Get the hell off them you bāstard!"
- You heard it before you felt the pain
- Stabbed in the stomach
- It was all a blur, but Miu had saved you by getting help. Smacking the attacker with some sort of hammer
- Who knew someone like her would protect someone like you?

- You were in a Sailor Moon outfit, posing infront of a camera
- Your friend Tsumugi was taking pictures
- It was a bit embarrassing, she had forced you into a skirt
- But it stopped early, confused you looked up at her
- A knife in her hands
- You let out a gasp, but she didn't turn it towards you
- Sombody stood in the doorway, holding a mace
- How did she know someone was coming?

- Fighting for your life
- You were running as fast as possible, down the dark halls.
- "Somebody! Help!" You yelled
- So close to the rooms, just a bit further...
- But suddenly a room door slammed open
- Maki! Oh thank god
- Before you could speak she had jumped on the person behind you, a impressive 6 feet.
- She was close to killing the person, but you pulled her off
- "That's enough" you mumbled
- "Don't worry about it"

- The magic show was just about to start
- You were in a cage of water, piranhas on the other side
- "Help!" You muffled
- The show was starting, but you were losing air fast
- After several minutes of pounding the floor beneath you fell
- With a yelp you and the piranhas fell into a larger tank
- Despite the shock you saw Himiko peeking out of a hole in surprise
- She had quickly pulled you into a staircase, blood covering your body

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