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- fluff

- tw: none

03/08/21 editing me: MY FUCKING A/N AT THE END IS SO FUNNY i hate myself

i was sitting on the side of their practice room watching the members of stray kids practice

my eyes were focused on my boyfriend, minho. he was dancing gracefully and he perfected every move

"alright. let's stop here for the day" chan said as he walked towards his water bottle

the members stopped and walked towards their things and felix started passing around some coca cola to the other members

minho walked up to me and sat down next to me. he rested his head onto my shoulder as he was panting, trying to calm down

"you okay there?" i asked him, unsure of what to do

"hm? oh yea, i'm just tired," he said as he chugged down some water

"what do you wanna do later? i was thinking about maybe a game night," i told him as i looked at him resting his head on my shoulder

"sounds fun, but i wanted to spend tonight alone with you," he said while fiddling with his fingers

"oh alright. you wanna leave?"


we both got up and i grabbed his bag and we waved goodbye to the other boys

i opened the door to the dorm and we walked into our shared bedroom

minho immediately plopped himself down onto the bed, laying on his stomach with his right arm dangling off the bed

i chuckled at his behavior and laid down on my stomach with him, my right arm on his back and right leg intertwined with his

we stayed silent for a while and i though minho fell asleep. "you awake?" i whispered and he replied with, "hmm not yet"

he turned around, now laying on his back, and hugged me

i changed my position and we ended up cuddling each other

he played with my hair and whispered an "i love you" to me

"i love you" i whispered back and he smiled

we ended up falling asleep in each other's arms until the next morning

a/n: umm...i'm so cheesy i have to stop

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