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requested —> @seungminniee__

y/n was on their way home from work when all of a sudden they can hear footsteps following them

y/n stopped walking and turned around only to find nothing there

as they continued walking, someone came up behind them and knocked y/n unconscious. as that person was about to drag y/n along with them, someone ran up and punched him in the face

the mysterious guy picked y/n up and brought them back to his friend's house since he was on his way there already

y/n started gaining back their consciousness, and they slowly opened their eyes only to find themselves laying somewhere they didn't know

'hi. i'm hyunjin. sorry if i scared you, but if it wasn't for me you would've dragged somewhere with a dude you didn't know' hyunjin said as he saw that y/n woke up

'uhm...and you're not some dude i don't know?' y/n asked skeptically

'well, i'm a good dude though' hyunjin said as he smiled at y/n

'where are we going?' y/n asked as they looked outside the car window. y/n can see they're in a part of the city they don't know because of the unfamiliar surroundings

'my friend's house. don't worry, he's a nice guy. like me' hyunjin said with his eyes still on the road

y/n nodded their head and just kept quiet as the car started filling with awkward tension

'what's your name?' hyunjin asked, trying to get to know y/n better

'why should i tell you?' y/n asked

'because i told you mines' hyunjin responded

'but i never asked' y/n remarked

'touché' hyunjin said

another moment of silence filled and hyunjin was gonna speak, but then they have arrived at his friend's house

hyunjin got out the car and went over to open the car door for y/n. y/n mumbled a 'thanks' to him as they walked in together

'why did you bring me here? you could've just woke me up where you found me and i could've walked home myself' y/n asked as they were walking up the stairs to hyunjin's friend's house

'i could've, yes. but i didn't want to. plus, you have a big bruise on your face that should be properly cared for or else it can get infected' hyunjin said as he rang the doorbell to his friend's house

the door opened and there appeared another young boy. he was in his pajamas and his hair was all messed up, but he was cute

hyunjin pushed him out of the way and dragged y/n by their wrist into the house

the confused boy stood there while scratching his neck

'uhh who's this?' he asked as he pointed at y/n

'i'll explain while treating the bruise. go get the first aid kit' hyunjin commanded his friend

his friend, still confused, slowly trudged his feet across the carpet to get the first aid kit. he was clearly sleeping when hyunjin rang the doorbell

when the boy came back with the first aid kit, he finally introduced himself to y/n

'hi. i'm minho. nice to meet you. what's your name?'

'hi. it's nice to meet you too, i guess' y/n mumbled as she awkwardly waved at him

'what's your name?' minho asked again

'she won't tell you dude. i already tried' hyunjin interrupted him

'it's y/n'


'i fEEL BETRAYED' hyunjin dramatically gasped as he put one hand on his heart and the other on his face pretending to wipe tears

'how can u tell him your name just like that when all he did was trudged his lazy slow ass around to get you a first aid kit, but me on the other hand saved your ass from getting kidnapped and brought you here to treat your battle wounds. like how could you?' he dramatically continued on with the act

minho sat there just blankly staring at him

y/n was starting to freak out

they continued to talk and make conversations for the next couple of hours. hyunjin fell asleep and it was only y/n and minho awake

they were talking until minho decided to tell y/n something

'you're really pretty' minho complimented y/n

'thanks. you're good looking as well' y/n shyly thanked him

minho took y/n's phone and told them to put the password in. y/n did so and minho started putting his number into their phone

y/n did the same thing to his phone and they continued talking until they both fell sleep with their heads on each other

a/n: and hyunjin in the corner by himself sleeping peacefully is a mood

i'm sorry if it's bad. i'm so stressed rn with finals and school and shit it's annoying

my cousins are pissing me off. i'm on my period and the flow is heavy asf. i'm moody. i'm craving like crazy. i wanna cry. send help.

seriously tho, i'm craving so bad i deadass went to go buy 2 cheesecake slices, a party size bag of bbq chips, a bunch of ice cream, chicken nuggets, and tator tots yesterday

i mean, i think i'm okay.

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