
7.6K 180 43

- fluff

- tw: none

y/n: jeoNGIN HIII
jeongin💕: dude it's 8am why are u up so early
y/n: bc i stayed up to 5am so i'm energetic
jeongin💕: go back to sleep u need more hrs
y/n: no i'm energized enough
jeongin💕: ...
jeongin💕: k whatever u say

jeongin heard a knock on his front door so he got out of bed and walked to the door while tripping over some shorts

he opened the door lazily and immediately smiled when he saw y/n standing there

they went in for a hug and stayed like that for a few seconds

'can we go in now. it's kinda cold out here' y/n said as y/n started shivering

'oh my bad' jeongin said as he moved out of the way for y/n to come in

'wait a sec. imma go brush my teeth first' jeongin said as he ran towards the bathroom

y/n walked to the couch and she plopped down on it. y/n immediately turned on the tv and started browsing through netflix for movies or shows to watch

y/n decided on sherlock because they haven't finished watching it

as y/n waited for jeongin, y/n ran into the kitchen and grabbed some snacks then ran back to the couch

jeongin came out a few minutes later and he immediately flopped down on the couch right next to y/n

they cuddled while watching the show and eating snacks

jeongin ended up falling asleep again after a few minutes because he was tired from practice the night before

y/n continued watching her show until she finished it and fell asleep as well

they were sleeping peacefully until someone barged in through the door

'kiDS IM HOME YAYYY!' chan yelled

'oh-' he said as he saw y/n and jeongin sleeping peacefully on the couch

a/n: ok so i'm sorry abt not posting and being an inactive piece of shit

i just don't have the time to post nowadays bc school is almost coming to an end which means final exams are almost here which means i gotta study study study

and my school gives us a lot of work

but my spring break is in one day so imma see how much i can update during the break

i never really got the chance to thank u guys that i reached over 10K reads. but like thanks y'all i appreciate u. i'm grateful. i'm thankful. i'm happy. i love u.

alright i'll see yall around


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