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a/n: the video mentioned in the imagine is the video up there ^^

requested —> @Midnight-Darkness

- fluff

- tw: reader says mommy kink as a joke

03/08/21 editing me: edited out w**jin

i replayed the video again as my eyes were glued to the screen

'how does one sing so well? what the hell' i mumbled to myself as my eyes followed yedam through the screen

i continued to mumble about his talent and looks while rewatching the video over and over and over and over and over and over again (a/n: i was really gonna type 'over and over...' over and over again until it filled up a page but then nah)

+seungmin's pov+

'who is y/n talking about? i keep hearing her mumble to herself about someone with a good voice and good looks' i asked chan as we were all sitting in a circle discussing our next song

chan turned to me and casually said, 'oh, well she's been watching that video of yedam singing there's nothing holding me back by shawn mendes'

i stared blankly at chan until he nodded his head as in to say that he's serious

'excuse me. i'm going to the restroom' i said to the group as i got up and walked out of the studio and into our dorm

i walked into our room and saw y/n watching the video

'what are you doing?' i asked her sternly

she jumped up from surprise and quickly turned her head around to see me

'hi seungmin! come here' she said as she patted the spot on the bed next to her

'no' i said stubbornly

she stared at me with a confused expression. 'what's wrong?' she asked


y/n raised an eyebrow at me and got up to pull me towards her

'what's wrong?' y/n asked again

i kept silent while trying to avoid eye contact, but then my eyes traveled to the screen she was watching

y/n saw where my eyes were looking at and she quickly put it together

'are u jealous?' she asked with a smirk

'n-no...maybe' i mumbled

'awhh there's nothing to be jealous of' she said as she pulled me onto the bed

i nuzzled my face into her hair as i wrapped my arms around her

'you keep watching that video and keep talking about his good looks and voice and it makes me mad because you're not talking about me and i know it sounds selfish and all but like you're my girlfriend and i just want you for myself and i don't know what i'll do without you and it's-' i started to ramble with a little pout

'ooohhkaay. i get it. you're jealous' y/n interrupted me as she put her hand onto my mouth to keep me from talking even more

'look, even though i gush about other people's looks and voice it doesn't mean i will forget about you or that i'll leave you seungmin. i love you and only you. understand?' y/n asked as she gave me a peck on the lips

i kissed her instead and she kissed back

when we pulled apart i smiled up at her and she smiled back at me

'i understand mom' i said to her, exasperating on the mom

'mommy kink i see' y/n said as she wiggled her eyebrows

'oh mY GOSH STOPPP' i said as i started playfully hitting her on her arms

a/n: i also wanna make a nct imagines book but then i'm having mixed feelings on it since there's abt like 1276 members. how many members are there? i'm pretty sure they already hit the thousands but who's counting

jk i know there's 18 members. don't come for me hardcore nct stans

oh i also wanted to talk abt my 'grammar' in my imagines. i just want to say that, i do, in fact, have good grammar. i do good in school and i know my grammar. the only reason i don't use grammar in my imagines is bc i'm an aESTHETIC. jk jk i'm just too lazy to use proper grammar

if u have a problem with my grammar in the imagines and can't stand it, then u can kindly not read. thank you 😊

go listen to boss by nct u if u haven't yet. thANKS ♥️

03/08/21 editing me: the start of me ulting nct.

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