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[requested] @poutypig

"hey you wanna go get some ice cream later?" i walked up to jisung and stood next to him wrapping my left arm around his right arm

"no i'm kinda busy today," jisung said while trying to disconnect our arms

"oh okay then. that's fine," i sadly said with a smile as i stopped near my locker to grab some books before leaving

jisung continued walking straight without even sparing a glance at me as he passed by

after i grabbed my books, i walked outside to see jisung standing near the gate talking to someone

as i walked closer, i realized he was talking to jasmine, the most popular girl in school that's been trying to get jisung's attention even though she knows we're dating

jisung knows for sure that i didn't like her so why is he talking and laughing with her? it hurts seeing him smile and laugh like that when he's talking to her, but he doesn't even want to hold my hand when i'm the one he's dating. sad i'll say

i overheard jasmine asking jisung if he wanted to go get ice cream later and he said yes. i thought he was busy?

i tapped jisung on the shoulder causing him to quickly turn around and his smile quickly disappeared when he saw it was me

"i thought you were busy?" i asked him with my arms crossed

"well yea i was, but i started craving ice cream and jasmine just offered so might as well take it," he said while sheepishly shrugging

"hmm okay, but then why didn't you say yes when i asked you?"

"because i wasn't craving ice cream at that time?" he said but it sounded more like a question

"oh, so you just coincidentally started craving ice cream when jasmine asked?"

"yes, but what does it matter? why are you getting so mad?" jisung asked starting to get annoyed. jasmine was standing behind him listening tentatively to our argument while whistling. i can tell she badly wants to butt in and say something to defend jisung, but refrained herself from doing so before she gets her toes stomped on

"it matters because i've realized you don't care about this relationship. it matters because i've realized you don't care about me. i'm getting angry because you've been ignoring me and avoiding me these past few days because of some reason that i don't know about. i'm getting annoyed because you want to hang out with someone else that you know i am not fond of, yet you don't want to hang out with your own girlfriend. you don't even want any kind of physical contact with each other whether it be holding hands, hugging, or even kissing."

"this is why i've been avoiding you. you're so damn clingy and annoying that i don't even want to be near you. if you want me to try in this relationship then maybe you should try and change your personality sometimes," jisung snapped at me causing me to flinch at his harsh words

i started tearing up at his words, but i kept it all in because i didn't want to show him any feelings since he doesn't deserve these tears

i turned around and immediately ran home, hearing the call of my name slowly starting to fade away

when i got home i ran up to my room and locked the door. i cried and cried into my pillow yet at the same time wiping away my tears wanting them to go away

i remember when jisung would comfort me every time i felt sad but this time he's the reason i'm sad and he's not here to comfort me at all


"y/n! can i come in?" i hear jisung softly asking as he knocked on my door

"yea whatever," i mumbled

jisung walked in holding a bag of my favorite chips. "here, i know your feeling sad right now so i got you some food."

i smiled and grabbed the bag of chips from his hand and started eating them. "thank you. you could've just brought yourself and i would've been in a better mood."

jisung chuckled at what i said and wrapped his arms around me as he buried his face in my neck. "i love you y/n."

"i love you too."

[end of flashback]

i sobbed even harder when i remembered about that time and the other times he would be there for me

i ended up crying myself to sleep later on without even realizing it

the next morning, i woke up and went to school. during class i looked outside of the classroom door and saw jisung standing out there. i scoffed as he's probably waiting for jasmine

the bell finally rang and i quickly packed my things and walked out of class trying to avoid any kind of contact with jisung. that could've happened if only he didn't grabbed my wrist and stopped me from walking further

"y/n can we talk?"

"no." i said with no hesitation

"please, i really need to talk to you."

"what is there to say? you find me annoying and clingy, and you'd rather hang with jasmine than your own girlfriend. anything else?"

"i'm sorry for saying all of those things to you yesterday. i was angry, i was annoyed, and i was stressed. all of those things got the best of me and i took it out on you which you don't ever deserve, and i'm sorry. i'm so sorry that i hurt you and i was wondering if you'd forgive me." he said as he grabbed onto my hand

"i said no."

"y/n please," by now there's tears streaming down his face and he's begging me to take him back. jisung hugged me tightly then kissed me on the lips and i immediately started crying due to his warm hug and kiss. i tried to free myself from his embrace and started smacking him on his chest. "you're such an idiot!" i mumbled. i can see from the corner of my eyes that people are starting to gather around us trying to see what good drama they can talk about for the next few days

"y/n i'm so sorry for the pain i've caused you. i'm so sorry you had to see that side of me. i'm so sorry for being such an idiot. i'd do anything just for you to see how sorry i am and how much i love you y/n," jisung said as he started turning to the crowd gathering around us

"i, han jisung, love y/n with all my might and i'd do anything to show her how much i love her, even confessing my love in front of a crowd."

"oh my lord, jisung stop. this is so embarrassing," i said as i hid my face in his chest

he chuckled and hold onto my head as it was still resting on his chest

"so do you forgive me?"

"yes, yes i do forgive you."

a/n: urGh i hate myself and everything i do 😡😠😡

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