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requested —> @smolboiwoozi

- fluff

- tw: brief mention of social anxiety


chan and i have been secretly dating for the past 5 months now. we have to keep it a secret because we're both idols and if it ever gets out without us being prepared, we both can lose our jobs

'are you finish y/n?' one of my group members asked me

'yeah let's go' i told her and we all walked out into the limousine and drove to the award show

when we got there, the arena was crowded and filled with celebrities and idols, some i don't even know

we walked to our seats and when i sat down, i found out that chan and his group are sitting right next to us

i cursed under my breathe and mumbled 'this is what happen when two idols under the same company secretly started dating'

'what was that?' irene, one of my group members, asked me had she thought i was talking to her

'oh, nothing. sorry' i said with a smile

as stray kids arrived and got seated, chan and i sat next to each other and it got really awkward

he tried to make small talk but me being my awkward social anxiety self, i made everything awkward

' has it been?' he asked me, scratching the back of his head

'i-it's been cool i guess' i said, not making eye contact with him

it got silent again and i think chan was about to open his mouth to say something but then the award ceremony started

we sat there listening to names being called off, awards being given off, and tons of speech

until it got to our category

my group and i won an award for best choreography

when we got up to claim our award, i, being the leader of the group, said a small speech to the audience and viewers that are watching us on the live broadcast

as i was finishing up, chan walked up on stage

we all turned to look at him and he kept on walking towards me

before i can say anything, he went down and kissed me on the lips

everyone gasps in shock and surprise

my eyes widened as i didn't expect this

i complied and kissed him back and after a few short seconds, he pulled away

he took my hand into his and talked into the microphone

'sorry for the interruption but i would like to make an announcement. for the past 5 months, y/n and i have been secretly dating without anyone knowing. today, i want to break the news to everyone that we are dating'

i just stared at him with wide eyes as he speak. my face started turning red from the stares and whispers

it wasn't bad whispers or anything, it was just whispers

when chan finished talking, everyone all of a sudden clapped

i looked in confusion but realized they were clapping for us

my group members hugged me saying congratulations and stray kids hugged chan telling him congratulations

i don't get what's the big's not like he announced i was pregnant or anything...

a/n: i want to apologize for this being so late. i'm so so sorry. it was bc the day i decided to write this which was the day after i got the request (dec 30) my phone decided to not save my things so i had to rewrite it and then when i was in the middle of rewriting it, my internet cut off so i basically had no internet for the past 2 days. i was also busy trying to finish up my science project that is a major part of my grades. so hopefully i made this good enough for making u wait so long. again i'm sorry. i finally got my internet back so i quickly finished it. again, i'm sorry for making u wait so long.

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