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03/08/21 editing me: i think i wrote this cuz i felt like playing piano again irl but lost motivation again after a bit LOL

i sat down on the piano that we have inside our dorm

i'm not a professional at piano or have i ever been praised for my piano skills but i used to play when i was younger

growing up, i've gotten busier and life have gotten more stressful so playing piano was never on my to-do list for the day

when i finally got a free day, i have never been happier

seungmin and the guys are at practice right now so i'm home alone

i placed my fingers on the piano keys and started playing random notes, hoping it make a catchy tune

as i got more into it, i didn't realize but i started playing untitled, 2014

my fingers were dancing across the keys, prancing on and off of each key like little fairies jumping from flower to flower

i didn't notice but i also started to sing

it was unintentional because singing is a natural instinct so i just let it be

i played the piano and sang along to the song

when i finished, i heard clapping behind me and i jumped around out of instincts

'wow. u have such an amazing voice y/n' seungmin complimented me while smiling cheekily and walking towards me (a/n: i can already hear ppl commenting 'i sound like a croaking frog' or 'i sound like a seal being suffocated')

i smiled at his compliment and looked down at my fingers

'well thanks. i used to play when i was younger but i guess it just came back to me again'

seungmin sat down next to me on the chair and took my hand in his

he put our hands onto the piano keys

and slammed the top of the piano onto our fingers as i pulled back and scream in pain


he put his hands into position and started playing a tune

i caught up with the tune and played along with him as well

we started singing and laughing as we accidentally pressed the wrong key now and then

seungmin and i spent our day playing around with the piano and laughing at our mistakes

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