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[requested] @chanlix_dimples

chan's pov

i bent down to pick my phone up from between the car seat and the door while trying to keep an eye on the road at the same time

i wasn't using my phone or anything but i was holding it and it just so accidentally slipped out of my hand and fell

i was reaching for the phone until i heard a sudden thud from outside

i quickly swerved the car over to make sure everything's okay

when i got out, i saw a dog lying on the road


i quickly ran over to it to make sure it's okay. luckily, there was no blood but it was whimpering so i got worried. i brought the dog into my car and immediately drove to the closest vet

"hi, i was driving on the road and i accidentally hit the dog with my car because i didn't see it. there's no blood or anything but the dog is whimpering so something could've broke." i quickly said to the lady that was sitting at the front counter

"oh no, i'll get a room available as soon as possible. i'll take the dog so we can do some check ups, and meanwhile i will need you to fill out some paperwork," she said as she handed me some papers

i sat down in the waiting room and started filling out the papers. a few minutes later, another vet came out and called me in

"hi," i greeted her as i looked at the dog laying on the bed

"hi, my name is y/n. i did some check-ups on your dog and luckily nothing major happened. however, the dog does have a broken bone so we will need to keep the dog here for a little while until everything is okay," she said as she was marking something on her clipboard

"how long will the dog have to stay here?"

"at most, i'd say a few days, but it could be longer if something else was to happen." she started examining the dog and doing some vet things

i took the time to look at y/n and the more i looked, the prettier she gets


"hmm? i'm sorry, what was that?"

"i was asking if you have any kind of plan with this dog after everything is fine."

"well, i'm not sure if it's a stray. i could take the dog in as my own but then i'm not really sure if it's safe to do so and this was really unexpected. what will happen if i don't take it in?"

"unfortunately, if you don't take the dog in or have someone take it in, the dog will have to go to the pound."

i hated the pound. i hated the place where they don't treat dogs and any other animals correctly. so without hesitation, i opened my mouth and said, "i'll take the dog. is there any paperwork to fill out?"

"that's good to hear. yes there is, i'll go get the paperwork for you and then you can go on with your day after filling them out."

"ok thank you."

y/n walked out of the room to get the papers. i sat down on the chair next to the dog and started patting it. in a few days you'll be staying with me, bud

y/n came back and i started filling out the paperwork. a few minutes later, i handed her the paperwork and we said our goodbyes

the next day, i decided to visit the dog and y/n. turned out, the dog is a german shepherd and i've decided to name it nono

i walked into the vet and greeted the lady at the front counter. i walked into the room nono was in and saw y/n doing the daily check-ups. "good morning!" she beamed at me and i immediately smiled back at her. "good morning to you!" i returned her greeting and walked up to the dog

"so how's nono doing?"

"awh that's such a cute name. he's doing really great. so far everything is looking really good and in a few weeks he'll be up and running," y/n said happily

i continued visiting y/n and nono every single day until the day it was time to bring nono home. y/n and i have gotten close and we bonded over nono and found out we have a lot in common.

"hey y/n," i greeted

"hi, nono gets to go home today," she said sadly

"why the sad face?" i asked her, poking her in the sides

she smiled and said, "i'll miss him. and you..."

"you're acting like i don't have your number. i'll call you everyday just so we can talk if i have to. it's okay y/n."

she sighed and softly said, "yea, but it's just..."

"just what? spill"

"it's just that i may or may not have caught a liking to you, and i might ruin the friendship we have now by saying this but i'd rather say it now so if you leave you can leave forever and i'll just pretend this never happened, but then-"

"y/n, stop. you're rambling again," i held onto her shoulders, shaking it a bit, trying to get her to calm down

"oh sorry," she mumbled

"i like you too," i confessed

she looked up at me with wide eyes and the brightest smile i've ever seen. she suddenly hugged me and rested her head on my chest

"oh thank god, i didn't ruin anything. i really like our bond and how well we are with each other-"

"stop rambling!" i heard her chuckle and the vibration can be felt through my chest

we let go of the hug and i picked up nono

"i guess we'll see each other tomorrow again," i smiled as i walked out the door

a/n: i've never been to a vet nor have i ever had any pets to bring to a vet so i'm 100% sure the information in this is not accurate at all

sorry it took so long to post. i've been busy with exams this week and i know damn well i walked out of that classroom knowing i failed that shit

it was so easy! hA

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