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requested: @ynasdfghjkltae

i opened the front door to see jeongin laying on the couch watching tv

he looked over and saw me standing there then waved me over to him

i slowly walked over to him and sat down on the couch

'how was school?' he asked as he tried to hug me

i avoided his hug because i wasn't in the mood and just gave him a small quick response of 'boring'

he tried to make conversations with me but i keep giving him short responses

'hey, what's wrong?' jeongin asked worriedly

'nothing, just leave me alone,' i mumbled annoyed as my eyes weren't even looking at him but instead the tv

'tell me what's wrong yna,' he tried to make me talk

'i said nothing's wrong! damn can't you just leave me alone?' i snapped at him and he quickly flinched back because he's never seen me this annoyed and angry before

'i-i'm sorry,' jeongin mumbled and then looked down at his hands

i sighed and cupped his face in my hands

'no, i'm sorry. i shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. i'm just very stressed from school and didn't know what to do other than yell,' i apologized as i took his hand and played around with it

he gave me a smile and leaned in to give me a peck on the cheek

'it's okay, i understand,' he said as he pulled me into his lap

we both cuddled and watched tv for the rest of the night

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