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"...so i asked her if she was okay with me doing the assignment by myself since i don't really trust her with my grade since it's a partner project- hyunjin?"

hyunjin looked up from his phone - which he was smiling at - and looked at y/n

"yes? i'm listening, just continue talking," he mumbled before looking back down at his phone

"do you even care or am i just being annoying?" y/n quietly asked as she see that he isn't paying attention

speaking of attention, it has been awhile since the last time hyunjin actually looked up from his phone and gave her his undivided attention

"who have you been texting these past few days?" y/n hesitantly asked

"nobody, just a friend," hyunjin said quickly trying to dodge the questions he knows y/n is about to ask


"no one, like i said it's just a friend," hyunjin said starting to get annoyed

"if it's just a friend then there's no reason for you to be avoiding my question nor hiding it from me," y/n spoke up when she realized he wasn't going to budge

"jesus, you are annoying," hyunjin mumbled, looking back at his phone

"you're saying it like i'm not informed myself," y/n mumbled back trying to hide the hurt she felt when she heard it

"look you asked who i'm texting and i answered saying it's just a friend, so if you have trust in this relationship you would believe me and move on." hyunjin said

"but how can i have trust in this relationship if you won't tell me who you're texting and acting all suspicious- i sound fucking crazy and possessive right now. just answer my question and give me a name it's not that hard, and there's nothing to hide-"

"fine! it's this girl i've been talking to these past few days, her name is yeobin and she's super pretty and nice and not annoying like you." he said and rolled his eyes

y/n felt her heart sank as each word came out of his mouth. she quickly ran upstairs and took her small duffel bag from the shelf. she starts stuffing in as much clothes as she can and ran to the restroom to get her stuff. a few minutes later, y/n was running down the stairs when she saw hyunjin sitting on the couch looking miserable - back hunched, face in hand, shoulders shaking, hair covering his eyes. he looked like a mess

y/n wanted to come over and comfort him and tell him to stop crying and suck it up, but she refrained herself from doing so but instead said quietly, "we're over. go with yeobin if you're happier with her." with that being the last thing she said, y/n opened the front door and walked out of the house

hyunjin's pov

fuck what did i do

i sat on that couch and sobbed when i heard her packing her things

there's no point of me going up there and stop her. once y/n makes up her mind, she isn't the type to change it

the more she stuffed, the harder i sobbed

when she walked downstairs i could feel her staring at me, probably wondering how i can be such a fucked up person that can't even have proper hygiene at the moment

"we're over. go with yeobin if you're happier with her." y/n quietly said and then she was gone

i cried and cried as all the memories of us two flashes back into my mind. we were so happy, but then i had to go and fuck everything up

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