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- angst

- tw: bullying, violence, abuse, reader gets physically and mentally hurt

03/08/21 editing me: once again, i am sorry if this chapter triggered anyone. i didnt put any tw anywhere when i first wrote this book, and im very sorry for that. ive learned from my mistakes and won't make them again.

i walked through the hallways with my head down and my hoodie up, clutching tightly onto my books

i walked quickly to class in hopes of avoiding the one person i hate the most

han jisung

i don't know what i've ever did wrong to him, but it must've been something bad enough for him to hate me and even bully me

i almost made it to class successfully without any obstacles but my luck just had to be turnt

walking towards me was han jisung and his little posey of boys

he had the biggest smirk on his face as he saw me

i wanted to punch that smirk off of his face so bad

when he got to me, he threw all of my books down onto the floor and yanked my hoodie down so my hair is visible

'hi there' he said with a smug smile

i gave him a blank stare and didn't reply back as i bent down to pick up my books

right when i stood back up, he pushed me into the lockers

he yanked my hair and then kicked me in my legs

i groaned in pain as i felt pressure being added onto my bruise that was already there due to abuse from my mother

i held in my tears and i don't know what happened but something inside of me snapped and i quickly kicked him in the balls

he immediately groaned in pain and bent down to grab onto his pants

i let out a small snicker but quickly got rid of it

i took this as an advantage and pushed him off me and i started running towards the exit

i ran out of school and decided to spend the rest of my day at my best friend's house

he's one year older than me so he graduated already and decided to take a gap year so we both can go to college together once i graduate

i knocked on his door and it opened, showing a shirtless, messy bed-head hair bang chan

he smiled when he saw me and i smiled back

he let me in and as if it was a habit, i walked up to his room and sat down on his bed

he walked in and sat on the bed next to me and started looking at me

'what?' i asked him

'hmm, nothing. just observing' he said while still looking at me

we stared at each other in a comfortable silence until i decided to break it

'jisung is a bitch'

chan got caught off guard and widened his eyes at my choice of words

usually i don't use such profanities but today i will

'what happened?'

i explained everything that happened today to chan and he just nodded as he listened

'you want me to punch him?' chan asked, trying to cheer me up

'nah it's okay. i already kicked the child in the balls'

chan laughed at my actions and out of nowhere he hugged me

'i love you ya know?' he asked me all of a sudden

'mhm i know. i love you too'

'ok just wanted to remind you that there is someone that love you'

'awh you sweet boy' i said as i patted his head

we chuckled at my actions and later ended up falling asleep on his bed with him hugging me

*time skip to NEXT DAY*

i walk into school and immediately saw people staring

i stared at them back in disgust and they looked away

i was taking things out of my locker when jisung came up to me but this time with a sad expression on his face instead of a smirk or a smug smile

'what do you want?' i asked him monotonously without looking at him

'to apologize' he mumbled

i stopped what i was going and turned my head to look at him

i started laughing

'w-what's funny?' he asked looking up from his hands

'i thought y-you said you w-wanted to apologize' i said in between wheezes

'i did' he said with a straight face

i immediately stopped laughing and looked at him with a serious face

'i wanted to apologize for what i did to you. i know an apology won't make up for what i've done. but i realized i've been too harsh on you. the truth is, i actually kinda like you and i just didn't know how to-'

'get my attention. yeah yeah. i know, the usual excuse as to why guys bully girls' i interrupted him

'look. i appreciate you apologizing for what you've done but i can't forgive you because this isn't something that can be easily forgiven nor forgotten. i still hate you by the way' i said bluntly to him

he looked down at his hands and i swear i heard a sniffle

'oh um o-okay. i understand why you wouldn't forgive me. hell i wouldn't have forgiven myself either if i was in your position. i'll leave now but i just wanted to at least let you know that i'm sorry for what i've done' he turned around and walked away with his head down and droopy shoulders

to be honest, i kinda feel bad but i can't easily forgive him about this

bullying isn't something that should be taken lightly. him bullying me really hurt me physically and mentally. i can't forgive him that easily.

a/n: bullying is a serious matter that can sometime even lead to death. bullying can mess with a person's mental and physical health. if you're going through some things that you would like to talk about or just tell someone about, feel free to dm me on insta @tv0605 or you can pm me on here

alright it's getting late and i need to sleep. byebye

03/08/21 editing me: that insta doesnt exist anymore lol but if anyone still wanna talk u can dm me on twt @marklworld

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