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'jeongin i'm going out for a while, i'll be back in maybe 2 hours!' i yelled as i was putting my shoes on

'where are you going!' jeongin yelled back from the kitchen

'i'm going to meet up with some old friends of mines!' i yelled back as i opened the front door

'okay! call me if something happens! love you!' jeongin yelled as he stuffed cereal into his mouth

'okay love you!' i yelled back before i closed the front door

i walked to the bus stop and waited for a bus to drive by. i got onto the bus and waited until i reached my destination

i walked into the mall and met my group of friends in the food court. 'hey,' i said as i walked up to them. they all turned and immediately smiled and greeted me. one of my old guy friend, sam, stood up and gave me a tight hug. i hesitantly hugged back since it was kind of uncomfortable but i didn't want to seem rude

he let go and i sat down and we all started to catch up with each other and did some shopping around the mall

[time skip to where they're home bc i don't really wanna make this long]

'jeoNGIN! i'm home!' i yelled through the hall as i was taking off my shoes and setting down my bags

i didn't hear an answer from him which was odd. i walked into our room and saw him laying on the bed with his back facing the door

'hey...' i softly said trying to get his attention

he didn't answer so i thought he was asleep. i decided to go take a shower and get ready for bed

as i was getting into bed, jeongin suddenly talked

'who were you with earlier?'

'uhm, my old friends. i told you this,' i replied to him as i tried to get into a comfy position in bed

'who was that guy?'

'who? sam?'

'i don't know. the one that hugged you extra tight which i found unnecessary by the way, like a hug is fine but a very extra tight one though isn't who even does that-'

'are you jealous?' i quickly stopped him from rambling on about a very tight hug that he finds unnecessary

'what? no, why should i?' he tried to defend himself and make sure not to show that he's jealous

'how do you even know anyways?' i asked him as i started to think about how he know

'paparazzi, they're everywhere,' he bluntly replied

i hummed in agreement

'so who's that guy? you two seem close,' jeongin started again

'oh my gosh, his name is sam and he's an old friend of mines back in school, and it was just a hug,' i tried to tell jeongin so he can stop pestering on about this topic

'old friend my arse. he gave you that very very tight hug and it didn't seem like something old friends would do.'

'for god's sake, sam has a girlfriend. now can you stop being jealous and overreacting?'

'oh- yea okay sure,' jeongin mumbled as he realized how stupid he kinda was

after talking about random things and jeongin singing random trot songs, i fell asleep first then jeongin slowly fell asleep with his arm around my waist

a/n: if u guys wanna then u can follow me on insta and i have a yt channel if u wanna subscribe but no vids yet bc my first one got cOpYrigHteD ugh so i have to make a new one yay

- edit acc: gxccigal
- rant/random shit acc: tv0605

yt channel:
- tvtv.

i dEdaZz wanna change my yt channel name but then i find it cute but stupid at the same time but either way yt isn't letting me change it bc apparently i change it too much ugh yt be aggy

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